-woke up at 7. -showered; didn't wash my hair. This NEVER happens-however, it was a mild success. -left for school at 8:10; drove through McDonalds for a coffee and breakfast sandwich. -got to school 5 minutes late; walked in with the art teacher who was also late, and who probably had a better excuse than I had. -set up my lab supplies for HHMI while eating breakfast. -started school with 1st block and quickly realized that they had no clue about the material we are studying, so adjusted my lesson plans accordingly, and kept it the rest of the day. -helped a kid with study questions during lunch. -referred a kid to the dean for talking too much in class. -gave lunch detention to 3 others who didn't get a test grade signed by their parents-again. -met with the licensure specialist. -hung out with Liz in her room for a few. -chatted with the sub across the hall about her life in the military overseas, and moving back to NoVa. -made the rounds of the teachers of the kid I tutor after school. -left school a few early, went to the post office to overnight ($ouch$) my lease and rent check to NY. -Stopped at Blackberry's for a latte. -tutored Aaron for 2 1/2 hours, including reading A Christmas Carol aloud to him for an hour. He doesn't like it, but it's required reading. Well, it IS too wordy for an 11 yr old. -came home, turned on the Christmas lights on the tree, and made dinner. -Watched Friends reruns. -Took a bubble bath and read a fashion book. -watched more Friends reruns. -checked the status of my Evites for the cocktail party I'm having Sunday. -Going to bed.

dec 3 2007 ∞
dec 3 2007 +