Most of Hollywood's top-earning leading men (eg Pitt, Cruise, Depp, Crowe, Jackman etc...) are all over 40 now. Several others (like Washington, Gibson, Willis, Travolta etc...) are over 50. Here are the best actors UNDER 30 who I think are the next generation of leading men for years to come...

  • Jason Schwartzman (29)
  • Jake Gyllenhaal (28)
  • Ryan Gosling (28)
  • Elijah Wood (28)
  • Chris Pine (28) - for some reason I figured he was gonna suck in 'Star Trek' but was actually really fuckin' good
  • Seth Rogen (27)
  • Paul Dano (25)
  • Emile Hirsch (24)
  • Michael Cera (21) - although his same old character is still hilarious, it will likely grow tired soon and he'll have to explore his versatility
  • *I was going to put Gael Garcia Bernal and James McAvoy but apparently they both recently turned 30. And Shia LaBeouf is a one-note tool whose candle will soon flicker out. No way he makes this list...
may 27 2009 ∞
jun 3 2009 +