• So I get asked this pretty frequently, and it gets annoying over time.
  • KIN IS NOT ROLEPLAY! It's a mental connection to a character you've possibly been in a past life. This could be fiction-kin, animal-kin, nonfiction-kin. The kin variety are endless!
  • I associate with fiction-kins.
  • For example, I am Kin with a fairy boy named Helbram, from an anime/manga named Nanatsu No Taizai.
  • With being kin to this character, I tend to gain the same feelings as them. This is called a 'Kin shift.' When in a shift by this character, as said; I almost feel what they feel. This could lead to the same pains and memories as the character.
  • Memories are an important piece to how to decipher whether your kin with someone or not. And if you're a roleplayer, you may be confused by: But what if this is just a roleplay idea and not a memory!?
  • My reply is simple: You just know. A memory may seem so bizarre that it's an idea, but it feels so real in your heart- it'll move you like one of your own memories. You'll have a deeper connection to a memory than for a roleplay idea.
  • For the first few many months I had trouble deciphering if I was for sure kin with a character, because as a roleplayer- it's pretty hard to tell the difference. But.. Hopefully this helped explain my view on Kin for you.
mar 20 2018 ∞
mar 22 2018 +