• Are you on tumblr?

Yes, we are on tumblr as @Enhancedzine! Feel free to send us asks there.

  • Can I apply to be both a writer and an artist?

Of course! But remember, you will only be accepted as one of these positions.

  • What happens after I get accepted?

You will send in an acceptance form and will be added to the discord server for the Zine! From there, you will get additional information only accepted participants receive.

  • Is this for profit or nonprofit?

This is a nonprofit zine! We haven’t decided which charity to donate to, but there will be an area for you all to give suggestions!

  • Is NSFW allowed?

The mods are still debating this, so we will base it on interest level. If enough people want to do NSFW pieces(based on those who are accepted), then NSFW content will be allowed.

  • Will this be printed or will it be a PDF?

Again, we will base this on interest level. Our intentions are to keep this PDF based, but if enough people want it printed, then we will see what happens!

  • What about merch?

We are definitely open for merch as long as there is a big enough interest.

  • How do I become a beta?

Once the participants list is announced, and we have made sure that everyone is down for the zine, we will make a call for beta readers!

  • Writer Requirements

3k-5k Max. Must be a NEWLY CRAFTED WORK.

  • Artist Requirements

At least 300 dpi. If traditional, must be a high quality scan. If doing a comic, must be two pages. Images will be converted to CMYK if being printed.

sep 18 2017 ∞
sep 18 2017 +