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22 / demi, queer, trans man / using this to note down my oc canons and the characters in them
If ive made a popular comic or anything by the time you find this maybe Dont read the one(s) for whatever it is because there WILL be spoilers. Feel free to read the content warning list though for obvious reasons

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"Marine biology should be studied as closely to the source as possible". Well, maybe that's true. But whilst being stranded in an underwater science facility at the mercy of your superiors might make your results more accurate, it's not exactly the safest of environments. And with a crew of 16 knocked all the way down to a crew of 2, the higher-ups might be more interested in the other study that could go on there.

  • Ada Jones
    • 30
    • 5'6
    • 195lbs
    • Straight, cis
    • English (Vaguely Northern but it's too slight to tell where)
    • Marine biologist - decided she wanted to be when she was 7 and went to a beach with rockpools
    • Didn't actually mind being alone. It's forboding and sad, but there's a calmness to the routine of tending to the fish and doing whatever you want every day, watching the sun warped through the waves above
    • Tends to the plants in the lab - including the ones that are invading the place and overgrowing it. They look nice! And also like, humans go mad without plants. That's a thing too.
    • A little short-tempered but only ever within her right- she's pleasant and agreeable as long as you are
    • Actually a lot more mature and practical-minded than she looks, but instinctively masks that under a layer of being approachable and jokey
    • Hates wearing socks and shoes. The SECOND she was able to get away with it she stopped wearing them (where it's safe to, at least)
  • Quentin Chazo
    • 27
    • 5'11
    • 187lbs
    • Bi, cis
    • Portuguese (Portuguese-American)
    • Talented engineer! Tinkered with all sorts of things back on land but mostly maintains the generator and systems in the lab
    • Presumed dead for a month or two - he stole a micro-sub and some food and drove himself out to sea, but turned up after getting nowhere throwing up seawater and with all of his supplies broken or used up
    • Would sneakily take more than his fair share of food supplies when he thought nobody would notice. Now there's nobody to notice he just kind of eats whatever he wants
    • He's actually super charismatic, but most of the crew were like. General douchebags. So they didn't APPRECIATE HIM ENOUGH TO FIND OUT
    • Is a very loud activist in the way that he KNOWS he's annoying every racist in the general area and he's PROUD OF IT
    • Can't concentrate unless he has music on. Like he literally can't work if he doesn't have earphones or smn on him. It's a real problem
jul 14 2020 ∞
jul 14 2021 +