list icon
  • de-fret
  • zero fret
  • string lock
  • natural material black nut
  • extend fingerboard as close to the pickup as possible
  • dual scale: 30" F-G; 25-28" D&A
  • Kahler 5-string vibrato bridge
  • 2x Schaller - STM roller bridge
  • Bigsby vibrato tailstop
  • Schaller STM 1208 Tune-O-Matic roller bridge
  • Hipshot Bass Xtendr turner(s)
  • 5ths tuning like a cello with an extra string on the bottom
  • D'addario Chromies flatwound strings
    • A3 .020 ~39lbs
    • D3 .030 ~36.5
    • G2 .045 ~36lbs
    • C2 .070 ~36lbs
    • F1 .105 ~37lbs
  • GHS flatwound strings
    • A3 .022 (Precision Flats - guitar)
    • D3 .036 (Precision Flats - guitar)
    • G2 .045 (Precision Flats - shortscale)
    • C2 .070 Precision Flats
    • F1 .103 Brite Flats
  • Anaconda Basses AC4-TN bridge pickup
  • Tuner multi-coil pickup
  • Roland GK-3 MIDI pickup
  • Gizmotron
  • Audere Pro-Z pre-amp
  • Passingwind/other filter pre-amp
  • remove finish & re-stain entire instrument
  • sew custom strap to match finish
  • fret inlays replaced with something custom
may 25 2024 ∞
sep 12 2024 +