• Never commit suicide. People will be all over you. If you want to make it out alive, never die on purpose.
  • Dressing out during P.E. is an important and essential part of high school life. It helps to make you an contributing member of society.
  • Always eat your vegetables, so you can grow up big strong.
  • Try to steer clear of crack and crystal meth. If you do decide to venture down that road, always bring enough for the whole class.
  • Always carry around at least one pound of beef jerky, and a VHS copy of Varsity Blues with you at all times. You never know when you're going to need one pound of beef jerky and a VHS copy of Varsity Blues to get you out of a tight spot. I can't tell you how many times it has helped me out.
  • Keep your hair nice and combed.
  • Leave all of you weapons at home. Bringing a ninja star of a bow and arrow could probably get you into a tight spot. Hence the one pound of beef jerky and the VHS copy of Varsity Blues.
  • It's important to own at least one acoustic guitar. Nothing says success like carrying around a guitar at the wrong place and wrong time. Everyone will want to hear you play the same three chord song every single day during lunch time. It's the best way to make friends, while maintaining an edgy image. Let people know that you have been playing guitar for six months, and can still only play one song.
  • Don't step on a homeboy's new pair of British Knights. It'll save you some guff.
  • Last, and most important. Always stay on top of your school work in order to maintain a solid grade point average, and positive image. There's no other way to stay fly, and have all of your friends saying, "he truly is the bee's knees." So always study hard, and do your homework.
mar 7 2010 ∞
mar 7 2010 +