So there are a lot of things that I love...and I know that not all of the things will go on this list...but I'm going to write most of them down anyways...One thing I love about life though, is that every single day, I fall in love with something else. *laughs* but hey, that's me. :)
- bangles
- Bed & Breakfast places
- cactuses
- CHAPSTICK!! [can not be ANYWHERE without it!]
- Charm Braclets
- coloring books
- dancing in the rain
- dinglehoppers
- elephants and polar bears
- feather/wings jewelry [mainly earrings]
- flowers (billy balls are my FAVORITE!)
- hoop earrings
- lipgloss [my lipgloss be poppin'!!]
- make-overs
- manicures & pedicures
- mermaids
- nail polish [bright/hot pink and glitter is a must!]
- ocean
- paper stationary
- pens
- pictures/picture frames
- pillows&blankets
- pink...I know, Im such girlie-girl! *laughs*
- planners
- postcards
- prisims--I LOVE the rainbows they make!
- puppy dogs
- snorkeling
- stickers
- surprises good
- long distance phone call surprises
- surprise party for ME! jejeje...
- letter/package in the mail
- "whatever" presents