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I am often accused of being childish. I prefer to interpret that as child-like. I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things. I tend to exaggerate and fantasize and embellish. I still listen to instinctual urges. I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind. I never water my garden without soaking myself. It has been after such times of joy that I have achieved my gre...

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One the many things that I say is: "You _ my heart". I don't deny that a lot of things "effect" my heart...and there are so many ways that my heart is "broken" so there are a few of the things that I do when coping with a broken heart

  • Music
    • listen: music can ALWAYS sooth my soul.
    • Sing: I love to sing, and no matter if my heart is broken or not, but especially if my heart is broken, singing can always make me feel better. Even if it's just singing in the shower
  • Exercise: whether it's jogging, lifting weights, swimming, or even punching a punching bag, this is a positive way for me to release hurt.
  • Playing darts: there is something therapeutic about the careful concentration of throwing a dart
  • Writing: I write and write and write everything I'm feeling until I have no feeling.
  • Cry and Scream LOUD: nothing wrong with crying. and Screaming...yeah, go somewhere where no one would look at your weird when you do.
  • Read: reading a good book that takes me away from reality is always good for me
  • Create: do something with floral or craft work keeps my mind concentrated on the beauty of creation not the death of a loved one.
  • Chocolate: hot chocolate milk and chocolate chip cookies soothes me. And so does Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. And a 1/2 of Dark Chocolate Bar. And Chocolate covered Macadamia Nuts. And Double Fudge Chocolate Chip Brownies by Mrs. Fields. And chocolate stickos. You get my point. :)
  • Help someone with their problems: my friend, Chris, once told me "Whenever you think you got it bad, someone out there gots it worst."
oct 27 2010 ∞
oct 16 2016 +