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I am Josiah S. Cooper.
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Admonition: This is speculation, based on my own critical thinking and life experiences, so take heed. Think for yourself, or don't.

Assuming Elisa Lam died somewhere around Jan. 31st and February 1st, and they searched around the 5th or 6th, you have to ask at what point does her decomposing body's sent begin to waft strongly enough after the initial events. I remember you reading the article about people complaining of what smelled like a dying animal, all the way from the bottom of the hotel, street area. What on Earth. This is sketchy, shady, and bizarre to see them handle a case like this. All the transgressions just add up to make one more suspicious. The residents complained of a 'strange odor'. The dogs didn't pick up on anything [both within the hotel and on the rooftop, for f*ck's sake*–this is wrong–they found a hit near one of the fire-escape windows], and the hatch was off. Was the aroma not quite peaked in rancidity, yet, or are we looking at some kind of cover-up? I don't know. Supposedly she went missing, and there was no other footage of her, after the 1st–so it seems hard to say that she just disappeared–came back, rolled around in sand, and drowned herself. Did they check if the sand on her clothing matched the rooftop? What about the anal-prolapse? How many ways are there for that to happen, without sodomy? She has an abrasion and scar on her knees. How did that happen? Why was she freaking naked? Another thing: if she lied flat, like in a swimming pool [stayed drifting], theoretically she could have survived, shouted, and waited for someone to come. Or is that only for salted water? This assumes she wanted to live, but the case is so convoluted and messy, that it's hard to know what exactly happened. It's like it was made for TV shows and movies. Maybe some corporate amalgamation, malevolent enigma put her there for a fantastic story! Maybe she did it herself, as a last ditch effort to make up for the lack of achievements, disappointed by. I mean it is motivation. She was dark and depressive on the blog. Why not make an insane, unforgettable 'novel' [hint, hint: "NOUVELLE/NOUVEAU"] out of your freakishly, mysterious death? Seems compelling. What do y'all think? We've got the employee who left to Mexico and can't be found; we've got the coroner saying she was dead before going into the tank; we've got ambivalence on how she died by the medical examiners; we've got the Cecil Hotel with all its macabre, glorified, violent history. She chose this hotel for a reason. I've got to believe that. She was a literary fan. Maybe someone learned from it and wanted to make an example? Maybe she did it herself for infamy and legend? It's not that hard to imagine, considering the people who go on shooting rampages for less–it's not inconceivable, also–that this whole thing is just an illogical, sh*t storm of occurrences: "wrong place, wrong time" kind of thing. I mean, she must have known about the hotel's history. She was being ballsy going there. She wanted an adventure, to say the least. She was looking for a way out of her dark, saddening [/ or haunting] past. Maybe this was it. Make something of yourself. Be a spectacle. Who knows? She didn't even like being around people [according to the blogger account "Ether Fields"]–so it's difficult to think–she'd go to a hostel [shared room with people (whom no one has heard much from, let alone the other camera angles that have not been released, or the people she was last seen with or the odd, demeaning behaviors of some the personnel there and people around skid row–so–suspect a place to be)], if she wasn't intending on doing something *big*. I mean, come on people, this whole thing is a perfect storm! Talk about something to produce with. I get her. I liked her. She was smart. She knew what she was doing. We all talk about it. It's genius, if this was all someone's or her, idea. The end?

Comment I made on "LordanArt's" YouTube Channel: "Every-time I see her hands distend the way they do, I think of how much it would hurt to do that. She must be in pain from it. It just looks unpleasant. It's like I couldn't really replicate it easily in the same way. But I believe there is–definitely–right from the get go [when she enters the frame], something was off. Her movement in general seems particularly haunting. There's a presence to it, hard to pin a name on it. The bizarre breathes foulness. I have a 'serious mental illness' myself, so even in that perspective, I have trouble placing exactly what it was. But there is something, and I think it can be defined.

Replies to the above comment, by "Arianne Alassaf": "I just wrote a comment on it as well. I did the hand thing in the past, when I was overexcited. It is kind of stretching out in order to release the incredible energy stuck in your body. That it hurts helps to focus on yourself. For me, I did this when I was on a low point with my mental illness. Thankfully I'm treated in the best possible way and don't have this energy anymore. But yeah, this and the jumping is a way to just get the energy off or at least it was for me. "oh thanks for the kind response. I'm not bipolar either, but battled with depression in an aggressive way of expression and an imbalance in my emotional reactions (to this was never given a real diagnosis, I guess it was just a side effect of the depression).

"Honestly, when I first saw the video a couple of times, I found it really strange and scary and only now, that the topic of being excited for a date was brought up, it clicked in my head. We all know, this poor girl is dead, so how could the video show something nice like excitement over a possible meet up? But yeah, given this new perspective I see myself years ago in the way she behaves.

But I also have to say, I think my mental problems were minor compared to hers and when I was so loaded up with this energy, I would do quite irrational things. Hard to describe (especially as English is not my first language), but in this state it's kind of hard to control your body and you also have so much going on in your head, that I could totally see you end up doing things you wouldn't do with a rational mind. Like going for a swim in a water tank when this anticipated date suggests so... This energy I keep referring to gives you so much impulse in your brain, that it is hard to not get into a kind of manic state. At least this is what I can recall. Being than very vulnerable and easy to lead on wrong paths."

On same thread, now by, "Brook C": "I've overextended my fingers like that when I was overwhelmed. Almost like I had too much energy in my body and I just wanted the craziness to stop. I have no mental illness. I've heard she was seeing the owners son or maybe it was a judge's son. If she was meeting up with him in his room that would explain her nervousness. I however do not think she got into that water tank by herself. Many say it was mania and she was looking to cool off. I dont buy it. A cold shower would have done"

"Arianne Alassaf": "well I don't think she was alone on the roof and made a decision to go into the water tank. But if there was someone with her, I feel she could have been led into it."

"Brooke C":"ya for sure. I feel she was tricked from the beginning."

Myself:"Thank you guys for explaining. It's always nice to learn about new psychological conditions. Whatever was going on, looked painful. That's what I'm saying. She talked about going through multiple emotions, like being happy for 30 minutes and depressed suddenly next on her blog "Ether Fields" [or one of the social media accounts]. I like reading her stuff–I go back to it–on and off. She's very relateable in some ways, so digging deeper helps me get more into her mind. Where did you get the information that it was the Judge's or owner's son? She also talked about how 'love made everything worthwhile', so it makes me wonder, if there really was someone else."

"Another thing I would say: You guys are looking too much at the face value interpretation of the superficial details. It's not enough to see what she is doing. You have to imagine what it's like to be Elisa Lam. Get inside of her head. This is my best hypothesis, I have not heard mentioned anywhere, and it is esoteric: She is having a counter-intuitive response to a deeper, psychological disturbance. This is not obvious to anyone who just notices the bizarre, behavioral patterns, of the jolted-kind-of staccato-esque movements. The assertion that she is just 'hyper' with high excitement and expectancy due to her bi-polar disorder and the antidepressants is not the full picture. Let's go into her shoes. What is she seeing? What is she feeling? She is feeling panic and terror through the inside out. She has shut off the passive, aggressive reactive switches from the fight and or flight [fawn or freeze] mode of her neuro-chemistry, emergency system. She is having a 'calm frenzy' , meaning the horror is not immediately obvious, but it has manifested its ways through her vibrato, furor actions. "Why?", you might ask, because this is an example of psychic-implosion. Her brain is throwing a frantic fit, revolting and contorting against itself, into a sine wave style bolt of self-destruction. She has had enough of life, enough of herself, and enough of obeying the gut revulsion against the abyss. Down is up. Up is down. Left is right. Right is left. The micro-macro, gigantic, infinitesimal context swells, quells, and boils, such as a vicious, raging kick from an dark horse. The vision becomes foggy, dissolves, and the fade out transmutates into a echoing shadow of absence. Of course, the final bit I have added there, leaves out any third party involvement. There may well be someone else lurking around, but she is definitely in some state.

"She is in the range of schizophrenic onset. She's still young. Schizophrenia typically develops around 18-30 years of age, and rare lower or beyond that. Migration and stress has been deemed as a factor for 'early onset'. She had been depressed well before all this happened. If you could look at her family's genetic, ancestral history–you can identify–whether or not she has the genes. Most cases for this illness are from parents who both do not have it, but usually, in the family line someone does. It occurs in 1 out of 100 people, about 1% of the population, so it's not too far of a long shot to guess she might have had a natural, psychotic episode for the first time. These breaks can be extremely devastating to the psyche. She was already feeling isolated, alone, depressed, disappointed in her achievements, etc. Add hallucinations, thought disorder, delusional beliefs, and emotional disturbances to the already festering mix, and you might get a deadly concoction.

Note: I was around her age, when I had my first psychotic episode. Migration and stress caused it. Genetics are like a blueprint, some genes will not activate unless they are flagged, which can be an environmental, social, psychological cause.

Response to "teambeining's" comment on "LordanArt's" video thread: "I agree with the big life changes causing disruption in her psyche idea too. Schizohprenia can be onset by migration as a factor. In her blog, she talks about being depressed, like her life was being wasted away. But there is a lot of suspicion with the video editing, so let's not completely discount it.

Note #2: Please keep in mind. The video has been clearly muddled with. The time coding and frames are off, the video has been slowed down, and persons unknown were deliberately cut out by LAPD. Even 'stranger', the original "Elisa Lam Video" was uploaded by a journalist, and not law enforcement. Why would they do that, especially, when the footage itself has no practical use for determining her whereabouts?–It's to push perspective, that she completely lost it, and is the sole one responsible for the demise–take notice!–I understand that is a key part not to be ignored, but it is NOT the only bit to be concerned for, as far as this testimony can proclaim or evoke in you [the reader].

Note #3: The journalist, Dennis Romero, could have had personal motivations–and acquired the tape somehow for release–and did it for his own gain, to make a 'sensational story'. The original video he made public, "Elisa Lam Video", now has about 25,500,000 views.

"Elisa Lam's listography page was updated on September 21st, 2019, with an unedited, mostly blank post, check it out:

It could be nothing. Maybe a family member touched it, accidentally, or it was hacked.

"If it was an accident, she would've struggled to survive, like you said: torn fingernails, screams, bruises, etc. I find it hard to imagine, if it was non-intentional, that she would just drown, serenely. The evidence of the lung's weight [see the autopsy file, down below, enclosing**–this is also wrong–people can dry drown, without inhalation], and the evidence of the LAPD's previous corruption scandal [with the former police officer going on a manhunt, against them], is haunting, to say the least."

  • LordanArt's YouTube Video Series for Elisa Lam
    , this Writing Refers to:

mar 2 2020 ∞
mar 7 2020 +