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I am Josiah S. Cooper.
WULD [YouTube]:

Holly books (science)
books (non-fiction)
books (fiction + plays + poetry)
films (to watch/watched)

Categories for Thought:

  • Pain Emotions: Anger, Anxiety, Stress, Hatred, Fear, Jealousy, Shame, Guilt, Sadness, Despair, Panic,
  • Relief Emotions: Joy, Hope, Love,
  • Unwanted Actions: Provocation, Intimidation, Avoidance, Ignoring, Distraction, Blocking-Out, Comparison-Making,
  • Wanted Actions: Deliberation, Focus,
  • Unwanted, Repetitious Thoughts:
  • Wanted Thoughts:
  • Voice Commentary:
  • Bodily Pains:
  • Bodily Reliefs: Laughter
  • All words that are an approximation, unless they refer to words and concepts, themselves. You'd have to come up with a new one, every-time, for something you wanted to point to–otherwise–it just spares us that tediousness, of having to understand new languages, for every subject.
  • Blocking out tactics can include thinking mantras, pleasant or unpleasant imagery and sounds, to replace unwanted and or wanted mental content.
  • Avoidance can include staying away from triggers, by self-isolation, selective elimination of places, people, concepts, thoughts, emotions, and or things that bother the victim.
  • Ignoring involves holding off doing what you want and or doing what you want to filter out what you do or don't want.
  • Diffusion occurs when exposure to subject's triggers have been partially, fully, and consistently exposed to deliberately.
  • Lashing out occurs when a subject is feeling insecure about their esteem, sense of identity, they feel threatened existentially, and or they are looking for a scape-goat (proxy) for their emotional woes by sadistic taste for revenge.
  • Boredom occurs when a subject is not stimulated according to their interests.
  • Self-doubt occurs when a subject distrusts their own judgments, actions, feelings, thoughts, etc.
  • Self-imposed isolation occurs when a subject is fed up and or afraid of the immediate, contextual, social collective.
  • Judgment occurs when a subject wants to compare their sense of value to others.
  • Values occur when a subject want to weigh the social, human, and or non-human hierarchies with their esteem.
  • Conscience evolves with the esteem and is a radar for sense of worth.
  • Distraction involves avoidance to remove oneself from exposure to triggers and or desires.
  • Hope involves wishful thinking of a more ideal circumstance than what is practical and or immediately present.
  • Despondency involves wallowing in self-pity and loathing over what is immediately present and or practical.
  • Presence involves no thoughts and or emotions–through–awareness of the body and the world.
  • Mindfulness is awareness of thoughts, while sometimes performing corporeal actions, without chasing them–and just–allowing them to come in and out, without reactivity to unpleasant and or pleasant emotions they trigger.
  • Anger involves doing and or not doing what you want out of hatred for the circumstance, which can, trigger a fuse that one can lash out from.
  • The fight, flight, fawn, and or freeze mode is the emergency response mode which is responsible for ALL unpleasant emotions, where acting from it, can and will trigger more unpleasant thoughts and emotions, which can lead into a victim cycle.
  • The victim cycle is a repetitious spiral of judgment, blame, bias, prejudice, out of alpha-beta, competitive, ego insecurities–that–can lead to self-destructive, passive, aggressive, and obsessive tendencies.
  • Compelling feelings are a key part of these things, which can also be identified, by ALL unpleasant emotions–that–pressure one to act for the sake of saving and or damaging esteem, responding to impending, perceived threats, and or scape-goating for sadistic pleasures–from which–come out of seeking someone (or something) to punish.
  • . . . . to be . . . . . updated . . . . .
apr 6 2020 ∞
apr 6 2020 +