- Beach combing, seaglass and pretty pebbles
- Skipping stones
- Bare feet in the summer time
- Matryoshka dolls
- Receiving postcards
- Receiving any hand adressed mail.
- Puns
- Books' little gems-- beautifully composed phrases and sentences
- Scar stories
- Cobblestone
- 50s dresses
- Hammocks
- Pigtails
- Crossword puzzles
- Long-distance trains
- Standing barefoot in mud
- National parks
- Beating the system
- Observing
- Zip lines
- Exploring
- Reading
- The smell of old books .Barnes and Nobles, too.
- Costumes
- State-quarter surprises
- Coin jars
- Cartoons
- Legos
- Hand holding, dancing fingers
- The occasional long car-ride
- Thrifting
- Neat handwriting (I wish was mine)
- Children, especially when they're all bundled up
- Stargazing (cool michigan summers from heat-radiating tennis courts)
- Honey Bunnie Smoothies
- Organizing
- Collections aranged in aesthetic ways, especially of little vintage treasures (keys, buttons, plates, etc.)
- Libraries
- old books with yellowed pages
- True love stories
- Accents
- Child prodigies
- Trampolines
- Cracking knuckles
- Moisturizing mah skin
- Thesauruses
- Family dinners
- Plane-spotting
- Wishing on eyelashes
- Separation of church and state
- Making up words
- Dreams (yes, I know they just bursts of neuron-action; still, it's fun to pretend...)
- Multi-colored lights of O'Hare
- Others' laughs
- Kayaking
- Making lists
- Sticky-outty ears
- cities' nooks
- Sleeping in
- Wind chimes
- Spring-summer sun showers
- Stream of conciousness writing
- Stretching
- Make-believe
- Camping
- Aerial views
- Trivia
- Home-made swings
- Claymation
- Old National Geographics
- Time-lapse photography
- Peculiarities
- Irony
- Multi-linguality
- Stringing strands (beading)
- Miniatures
- Doll houses
- Monocles
- Doodles
- Crochet graffiti spottings
- Whirling dervishes
- Window shopping
- Secrets
- Etymology
- Vintage jewelry
- Bouldering, rock climbing
- World records-- e.g. the largest recorded snowflake
- Time travel
- 24 hour businesses
- Mood lighting
- Spiral staircases (like the MCA's)
- Wood floors
- Houses full of home-cooking smells and music
- Typewriters
- Re-fashioned clothing and jewlery
- Good posture
- The Slow Movement
- Wit
- Onomatopoeia
- Coincidences
- Bicycles with baskets and streamers
- Tandem bicycles
- Tall bikes
- Art bikes-- like this and this
- Re-appearing fogged-window drawings
- Clean sheets, freshly-made bed
- New socks
- Coming home to my very own bed
- Pig Latin
- Manners
- Non-profit organizations
- Geneaology
- Smooth writing pens
- Public transportation
- Maps, especially old ones
- Comfortable silence
- Catching a whiff of a good smelling passerby
- Free refills
- Free anything
- Cardigans
- Tokens of friendship
- Glass bottom boats
- Good whistlers
- Hide-outs, secret meeting spots
- Picnics
- Vacuuming (the satisfying before-and-after)
- Roller coasters
- Adrenaline rushes
- Calligraphy
- Calligraphy pens
- Wax seals
- Snuff boxes
- Well-traveled objects, heirlooms (they have stories)
- Well-traveled trunks
- Freckles
- Lockets
- Fleece blankets
- Crazy straws
- Crepes
- Shadow boxes
- Fixer-uppers
- Flannel pajamas
- Castles
- Untying knots
- Treasure chests
- Time capsules
- Cozying up
- Street musicians
- Motorcycle sidecars
- Uniquely colored cars
- Vespas
- Rotary phones
- Geodes
- Moss
- Globes
- Vintage fabrics
- Antique botany prints
- Scientific illustrations
- Old books and articles regarding outdated theories
- Things that role off the tounge
- Alliteration
- Mocking the corporate world
- Art teachers
- Boy-cut underwear
- Makin art in groups with materials and no plans
- Group brainstorms for ideas that will probably never be realized
- Door knockers
- Brightly-colored doors
- Intricate door knobs
- Scavenger hunts
- Rope swings
- Reading out loud to Theo
- Being read to
- Puzzles
- Playing cards (the verb and noun)
- Pocket-knives
- Piñatas
- Obstacle courses
- Makin' up games
- stealth-assignments/challenges
- Parkour and free running
- Refrigerator magnets
- Making remarks in conversation (that make sense in the context of the conversation, of course) that allude to something else and knowing that select people understood the allusion
- Film festivals
- Foreign films
- Whoa! : foreign film festivals
- Films with superior art direction and/or fanciful clothing
- Snuggles/cuddles with the Adorable Girl Club
- Convertible gloves
- Little notebooks
- Colorful felt-tipped pens
- Paint brushes with soft bristles
- Thermal shirts
- Stomach butterflies
- Haiku writing
- New York Times' Home and Garden slide shows
dec 25 2008 ∞
may 4 2010 +