• please dont spam fav my tweets if we arent close, it makes me paranoid sometimes
  • please softblock or hardblock
  • if i do something wrong, please do w.e is comfortable for you but i would appreciate it so much if you Can tell me what i did so i can better myself
  • instead of muting (unless for a short time) please softblock if youre comfortable with that
  • i have Involuntary Muscle Movements and very shaky hands (possibly permanently) from medication i took, so my typing is shit, i look like i'm crytyping a lot and i'm sorry for that too
  • i sometimes softblock out of nowhere but i'm not likely to do this if we Talk, i just have a lot of paranoia issues (sometimes this happens and i don't mean for it to, you're always free to DM me and i'll follow you again if i didn't mean for it to!)
  • i am learning American Sign Language (ASL) and sometimes post videos of myself signing, but those videos do not have captions or subtitles. if you know ASL and i ever show error in videos or posts about theory/etc., please let me know!
apr 22 2017 ∞
dec 12 2018 +