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Just cause I love creating lists and do so for everything from what to pack (down to which pair of underwear) to to-do lists for work (or home, or life, or...). I'm a Sims2 junkie, an avid webbie, a fabulous speaker, and an enthusiastic traveler.

I blog, both of my travels and of my personal life, and I talk...about nothing in particular to no one in particular at no particular time.


listography TERMS
  • Olivia--my first cousin who is the same age as me and lived in my hometown. We grew up together, went to the same churches, and graduated together.
  • Brandi--still my best friend. We can go months without speaking then talk and feel like we've never missed a day. I met her in the 6th grade but became best friends with her in the 7th; we graduated together, lived together all 4 years of college, moved to Hawaii together, and have visited each other at every location since.
  • Rikki Beliles--amazing how I can't say her first name without saying the second. We rode the bus together our 7th and 8th grade years. She never really liked Brandi, and Brandi didn't care for her. I liked Rikki but later decided she wasn't good for me or my "image." I stand by my decision in some regards, but definitely not how I handled the situation.
  • Erica Patton--my best friend in kindergarten. We were peas in a pod, but then she moved away. I would see her occasionally, and our parents would try to remind us of our kindergarten days, but we'd just look at them, then look at each other and wonder if they really expected us to remember being friends from a decade prior. Heh.
  • Natalie Fitts--she was always jealous, in kindergarten, of Erica, which was weird.
  • Kyla--my "cousin" who wasn't really a cousin. It got stated that my grandmother had the same last name, before marriage, as she had, so we figured out we probably were distant relation. After that, she called me cuz constantly; it's just a good thing that I really liked her else it woudl have been awkward.
  • Timmy Gardner--Stacy's best friend, so I became the equivalent of his little sister too, although I had a tiny crush on him. Still, it's hard to keep a crush on someone who pulls your pigtails and makes fun of you, then defends you from other boys. Okay...maybe it's not!
feb 2 2008 ∞
mar 6 2008 +