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Just cause I love creating lists and do so for everything from what to pack (down to which pair of underwear) to to-do lists for work (or home, or life, or...). I'm a Sims2 junkie, an avid webbie, a fabulous speaker, and an enthusiastic traveler.

I blog, both of my travels and of my personal life, and I talk...about nothing in particular to no one in particular at no particular time.


listography TERMS
  • Freeze tag--I organized a multi-grade game when I was in first grade that included my two boyfriends whom I would purposefully slow down so I could get "caught" by them. Ha!
  • Basketball--I grew up in a home obsessed with college basketball (go Big BLUE!), so it was only fair that everyday, we played basketball in the driveway to hone our skills so we could help the Wildcat take over one day.
  • The Game of Life--if I could get someone to play it with me, I did it because I absolutely loved the game!
  • Rummy--this sounds weird for a kid, but my Mamaw and Papaw played daily, so they taught me how to play rummy about the time I was in kindergarten; I've been a card shark fool ever since.
  • War--no, not the card game this time, but actual war. I was the only girl on a street full of boys with a brother a year older than I. We would carry water guns, build forts out of straw and hay bales in the barn, or hide in the wheat/corn fields waiting for someone to come after us and make a wrong move.
  • Jacks--this was something Mom taught me as a tribute to her time as a little girl, and for a little while, I grew obsessed with picking up the little spikes.
  • All kinds of make-believe--when I rode my bike, I pretended I was a princess on a horse, forced from my home with my sister to live in the woods. In the house, Stacy and I would set up entire towns out of building blocks, choose a spouse for ourselves from my minatures, get "jobs," and pretend to live there. My Cabbage Patch Kids became our little brothers and sisters who were orphans with us, running away from home, protected only by each other and our fierce Pound Puppies.
  • Clue, and I still love it!
jan 30 2008 ∞
mar 6 2008 +