1:What's your OCs favorite color? Pink. But he says it's black.

2:Where does your OC work? His family is old money and he's a student so he doesn't need to work.

3:What's your OCs favorite food? Kaisendon

4:Does your OC prefer paper or plastic? Paper. Plastic is too flashy.

5:How old is your OC?14 in ninjaverse, 17 in HS!AU

6:Does your OC have any supernatural powers? None in HS!AU, Lava release in ninjaverse.

7:Is your OC in a relationship? Yes, with I.

8:What are some of your OCs strengths? Physically strong, fairly intelligent, unstoppable when he's actually motivated, well organized. He's surprisingly good at flower arrangement.

9:What are some of your OCs weaknesses? He lets himself get dragged into things he doesn't necessarily agree with because he doesn't know how to stand up for himself, closes himself up too much, and refuses to show most of his talents out of spite. Physically? He can't run for shit. His body is naturally prone to a glacial pace on the best days.

10:What is your OCs favorite outfit? His Judas Priest shirt and drop crotch pants.

11:What is your OCs spirit animal? Tasmanian devil.

12:Is your OC sexually active? Yes.

13:What is your OCs earliest memory? His nanny reading his favorite book to him in the nursery room.

14:Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind? A Samsung Galaxy Alpha in black.

15:What makes your OC angry? Oppression.

16:When is your OCs favorite time of year? Halloween and summertime. One of the spoopy, the other for freedom purposes.

17:How long can your OC hold their breath? About 4 seconds.

18:What kind of underwear does your OC wear? Boxers. They're more comfortable.

19:Does your OC prefer plaid or polka dots? Neither. Both are preppy and hideous.

20:What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza? Anchovies

21:Who is your OCs best friend? Kazumi but only technically. They've known each other the longest and Toshi knows him pretty well though the same can't really be said about the reverse. Hagane and I would probably fit the role better.

22:Has your OC ever killed someone? Yes in the Ninjaverse, no in the HS!AU.

23:Whats your OCs biggest secret? How much fun he has when he hangs out with everybody in a group.

24:What does your OC smell like? Cigarette smoke and a Japanese brand of febreeze. (To mask the smoke smell)

25:What time of year does your OC prefer? Summer. His family is gone a lot and he can leave the estate more often.

26:Is your OC a human or an animal? (or something else idk) Human.

27:What languages does your OC speak? Japanese, English, Mandarin, and German. His parents forced languages on him as a kid.

28:Does your OC like anime? Yes. Death Note is his fav.

29:Can your OC swim? Yes. The pool at his place is a nice place to go take a break from being inside.

30:What does your OC choose to do about the, er, hair down there? Absolutely nothing. Au Naturale.

31:Does your OC believe in fairies? Nope.

32:Did your OC go to college? What did they major in? He WILL go to college because his parents have already planned for him to. He will major in business because his parents expect him to, flunk all of his classes and then change his major to GenEd as a compromise with them to stay in college.

33:Are your OCs parents dead? No. They're both very much alive.

34:Is your OC religious? Nope.

35:How flexible is your OC? Physically? Not very. He's very lanky but stretching is too much effort. He couldn't touch his toes. Flexible about plans and stuff? Very. He doesn't allow himself to care enough to be affected about whether someone is like three hours late to a date or something like that.

36:What turns your OC on? Anarchy. Snakebite piercings on punk girls. And fishnet stockings.

37:What was your OCs first word? Usagi. His favorite book had a rabbit in it and his nanny was doting.

38:Does your OC have any pets? Nope. His father would never allow it.

39:Who is your OCs biggest enemy? His parents.

40:What is the craziest thing your OC has done? Gone on a fifteen minute manic but incredibly passionate rant about anarchy and the destruction of those who oppress others. It scared the crap out of the entire class.

41:What is your OCs motto about life? Keep your head down and wait for the right moment. Then fight for what you want with all you've got.

42:Does your OC drink coffee or tea? Coffee. Probably too much of it. A bad habit.

43:Who is your OCs biggest hero? Icarus. Touch the sun or die trying.

44:What color eyes does your OC have? Light grey.

45:Does your OC like reading? Not really. He prefers to listen to music. He's constantly got his headphones on.

46:Is your OC loyal? Yes. To a fault.

47:Does your OC tolerate violence? Yes. To a certain degree. He's become apathetic and passive but if for example, Kazumi's aggression would result in a trip to the hospital he would have intervened. ...If it was happening right in front of him.

48:What social class is your OC from? Noble clan/Upper class.

49:What country was your OC born in? Iwagakure/Japan

50:Does your OC cry easily? No. He's built too many emotional walls to be affected by much of anything.

51:What is your OCs favorite genre of music? Heavy metal. He likes the high energy.

52:How does your OC feel about insects? He's become accustomed to any and all of them because of Suzume. Now when he sees one he just wonders if it's Suzume using him as a test subject again.

53:What is your OCs sexual orientation? Heterosexual.

54:Does your OC smoke? Yes. Another bad habit.

55:What gender is your OC? Cis-male.

56:What kind of clothes does your OC wear? Only his uniform in the ninjaverse; Hot Topic threw up on him in the HS!AU while at school and when his parents aren't hawking around him, if he's at a family function then he wears tailored suits.

57:Would you call your OC adventurous? Not really. He's living strictly under the thumb of what his parents expect of him while dreaming of finally being able to do what he wants.

58:Is your OC introverted or extroverted? Very introverted. He's learned to internalize a lot of himself because of his family life.

59:What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC? Probably his hair, how unapproachable he seems, and how tall he is.

60:Does your OC enjoy nature Yes, because it means he's not in the house.

nov 1 2014 ∞
dec 9 2014 +