1:What's your OCs favorite color? Sea green.

2:Where does your OC work? She helps out at her family's temple but it's not really a job.

3:What's your OCs favorite food? Mochi

4:Does your OC prefer paper or plastic? Paper. It's ~cuter~

5:How old is your OC? idek. A year younger than Tetsuo.

6:Does your OC have any supernatural powers? None

7:Is your OC in a relationship? After lots of stumbling, yes.

8:What are some of your OCs strengths? She's very sweet and nurturing when not in the eye of those she's trying to impress. She has a good voice and likes to sing. She's good with fashion since she's so deep under cover even when most of it isn't really to her taste. She has a good memory and can memorize long musical numbers. She's very organized and good at planning events.

9:What are some of your OCs weaknesses? She has no confidence in herself and is willing to go to extreme lengths to people please. She lets bad people make decisions for her. She thinks Twilight is romantic instead of creepy. Is unwilling to stand up for herself. Has only recently started to experiment in not taking people's crap.

10:What is your OCs favorite outfit? A cute over sized shirt over tights and sneakers.

11:What is your OCs spirit animal? Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager

12:Is your OC sexually active? No. Boys have tried but she freaks out and runs away.

13:What is your OCs earliest memory? Being sung to by her mother at the water fountain

14:Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind? docomo STYLE series F-08A in pink

15:What makes your OC angry? When the guys call her dumb even though she's kind of cultivated that image. The grosser comments she gets (especially from older gentlemen). Masao's laughter because it reminds her of when he embarrassed her. People who are unnecessarily cruel. People who talk during choir performances. Animals being abused.

16:When is your OCs favorite time of year? When the weather turns warm and rainy.

17:How long can your OC hold their breath? Just an average amount of time. Though she likes to swim she's not that great at diving.

18:What kind of underwear does your OC wear? Cute printed pantsu.

19:Does your OC prefer plaid or polka dots? Polka dots. They're cuter.

20:What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza? Pineapple and ham.

21:Who is your OCs best friend? Mamoru. He's looked out for her since they were very small.

22:Has your OC ever killed someone? No.

23:Whats your OCs biggest secret? Her real self is almost completely different from what she pretends to be in an effort to be well liked/popular.

24:What does your OC smell like? Fresh rain smelling perfume.

25:What time of year does your OC prefer? The rainy season in Spring.

26:Is your OC a human or an animal? (or something else idk) Human

27:What languages does your OC speak? Just Japanese and some super super basic level English for tourists.

28:Does your OC like anime? Yes. Magical girl and shoujo.

29:Can your OC swim? Yes. She loves swimming especially in the open sea.

30:What does your OC choose to do about the, er, hair down there? She goes to get waxed regularly with her girlfriends. She always dreads the trips though.

31:Does your OC believe in fairies? Yes.

32:Did your OC go to college? She's undecided about continuing temple work or going to college.

33:Are your OCs parents dead? No.

34:Is your OC religious? Yes. Her family runs a shrine so she believes.

35:How flexible is your OC? Not very much physically but she bends over backwards if she thinks it'll help people like her.

36:What turns your OC on? Neck hickies.

37:What was your OCs first word? Hi

38:Does your OC have any pets? None. But she'd like either a bird or a fish.

39:Who is your OCs biggest enemy? Her lack of self esteem.

40:What is the craziest thing your OC has done? Drink a hell of a lot more than she should have because some cute guys were paying attention to her.

41:What is your OCs motto about life? Everyone sacrifices a bit of themselves for others, with luck you'll find someone who is okay with the more embarrassing parts of yourself.

42:Does your OC drink coffee or tea? Coffee when she's hanging out with her friends.

43:Who is your OCs biggest hero? Several of her female senpai. She admires how they can be so honest about who they are and still be well liked.

44:What color eyes does your OC have? Sky blue.

45:Does your OC like reading? She does but she'll only do it at home. She doesn't want to be branded a nerd.

46:Is your OC loyal? Yes. Except to herself.

47:Does your OC tolerate violence? She didn't until Masao pulled that awful stunt. She believed that you could always talk things out. She finally understands that sometimes the answer is just a quick fist to the face.

48:What social class is your OC from? middle class, her family runs a temple.

49:What country was your OC born in? Takigakure; Japan.

50:Does your OC cry easily? She's got lots of sensitive spots.

51:What is your OCs favorite genre of music? ukulele covers of songs

52:How does your OC feel about insects? She makes a big spectacle with the creepier crawlies whenever there's cute boys around to get attention. Truthfully though she thinks creepy crawlies are pretty cool.

53:What is your OCs sexual orientation? Heterosexual.

54:Does your OC smoke? Only when peer pressured into it. She hates it though.

55:What gender is your OC? Female.

56:What kind of clothes does your OC wear? Super cute dresses and tights with cardigans.

57:Would you call your OC adventurous? Yes. Her ~cool chick~ facade requires her to do whatever dumb thing the guys she's hoping to smooch want her to do. Her real self is naturally curious so she also likes expeditions into the sea

58:Is your OC introverted or extroverted? She's an introvert who forces herself to appear to be an extrovert in hopes of getting herself a man.

59:What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC? Probably her hair since it's so long. Followed swiftly by her STRONG eyebrows.

60:Does your OC enjoy nature? She prefers the sea to anything like forests or gardens.

dec 7 2014 ∞
dec 10 2014 +