1:What's your OCs favorite color? Wine red

2:Where does your OC work? He does part time work as a seiyuu for random things. Nothing huge yet.

3:What's your OCs favorite food? croquettes

4:Does your OC prefer paper or plastic? No preference.

5:How old is your OC? Same as age Fuume.

6:Does your OC have any supernatural powers? Super voice mimicry skills

7:Is your OC in a relationship? Yes, pretty happily so.

8:What are some of your OCs strengths? Good memory and a fast learner of languages. Perfect pitch and could play instruments if he wanted but he'd rather focus on voice stuff. A good listener. A defender of the weak against the strong. Is a pretty good entertainer and throws hella amazing parties. Can promote ANYTHING and make it successful. Is an incredibly talented liar.

9:What are some of your OCs weaknesses? Kind of a terrible secret keeper. Since he cycles through voices sometimes things just slip out by accident. Sometimes takes voice pranks too far. Loyalty kind of wavers depending on his attachment so he's kind of a flighty friend. He's incredibly lazy about school work and just about anything else except for things that involve Fuume, his friends, or things he's super interested in. Because he's so good at remembering he can hold grudges FOREVER. Can be kind of manipulative once he learns what pitch/voice/etc can best guide you towards accepting to give him what he wants. Is an incredibly talented liar.

10:What is your OCs favorite outfit? black leather jacket over purple pullover hoodie, skinny jeans and loose leather boots.

11:What is your OCs spirit animal? A crow

12:Is your OC sexually active? Yes

13:What is your OCs earliest memory? Meeting Son Goku's voice actress at an airport.

14:Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind? wooo keitai H001 in purple

15:What makes your OC angry? Public smokers. People who talk shit about voice artists. Bullies. People who downplay his talent. The homosexuality is unnatural argument. People who gush about their dads.

16:When is your OCs favorite time of year? Summer break.

17:How long can your OC hold their breath? He has incredible control over his breath so like forever.

18:What kind of underwear does your OC wear? Dark boxers.

19:Does your OC prefer plaid or polka dots? Neither. He hates prints.

20:What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza? Corn.

21:Who is your OCs best friend? Fuume.

22:Has your OC ever killed someone? No.

23:Whats your OCs biggest secret? He's done the voice thing for so long that he doesn't really know what his actual voice is. Teppei isn't sure that what he speaks like isn't just a mimic of someone he happened to hear one day. Not knowing kind of scares him. Also he's afraid he made a bad call following Fuume.

24:What does your OC smell like? Light cologne and tea choice of the day.

25:What time of year does your OC prefer? Summer. There's better anime.

26:Is your OC a human or an animal? (or something else idk) Human

27:What languages does your OC speak? He can speak a ton. He has a good memory for sound so he'll learn how to speak another language relatively quickly. He wouldn't be good at the writing part though and probably have trouble not spelling strictly phonetically. English, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Mandarin, etc etc.

28:Does your OC like anime? Yes. He watches anything his seiyuu favorites are in.

29:Can your OC swim? Yes and no. He learned when he was young but he almost drowned once and said FUCK THAT NONE FOR ME to deep water forever.

30:What does your OC choose to do about the, er, hair down there? Nothing unless his partner expresses a preference.

31:Does your OC believe in fairies? No.

32:Did your OC go to college? He wants to go to a seiyuu academy.

33:Are your OCs parents dead? He's never known details about his father so the guy might be.

34:Is your OC religious? Nope.

35:How flexible is your OC? Not very in both senses of the word. He has a good memory and can parrot back exactly what you said in your own voice so he expects you to hold to your word.

36:What turns your OC on? Hip bones and guys who are really vocal during.

37:What was your OCs first word? Sen. It's the name of one of his mothers.

38:Does your OC have any pets? A tamagotchi he's had for years.

39:Who is your OCs biggest enemy? No one really. He's pretty easy to get along with. He doesn't have an enemy that he's aware of.

40:What is the craziest thing your OC has done? Move across the country for the guy he likes. (From Suna to Takigakure; From Hokkaido to wherever the school is)

41:What is your OCs motto about life? Choose a dream and have the courage to make it come true, no one else will make it come true for you.

42:Does your OC drink coffee or tea? Tea. It's easier on the vocal chords.

43:Who is your OCs biggest hero? Pretty much any seiyuu with a huge amount of range.

44:What color eyes does your OC have? Red.

45:Does your OC like reading? He's not a fan. He'd rather watch the movie of the book. Or the anime of the manga.

46:Is your OC loyal? Depends on his level of attachment.

47:Does your OC tolerate violence? Only when it's for a purpose and the fight is relatively even. He couldn't sit and watch if some giant dude tried to bulldoze a little kid or whatever.

48:What social class is your OC from? Middle class. His two moms work regular desk jobs.

49:What country was your OC born in? Sunagakure; Japan.

50:Does your OC cry easily? Not really.

51:What is your OCs favorite genre of music? He likes every kind of music. Every genre has something to offer and he can hear the appeal.

52:How does your OC feel about insects? He's not their biggest fan but he'll observe them because it's fun to mimic their noises sometimes and freak people out.

53:What is your OCs sexual orientation? Homosexual.

54:Does your OC smoke? Nope. It would mess with his voice and he loves his ability to mimic.

55:What gender is your OC? Male.

56:What kind of clothes does your OC wear? Leather jackets and dark colors. I don't think he has a particular style. He just wears whatever catches his eye. He's a fan of VK make up though.

57:Would you call your OC adventurous? Yes and no? He'd prefer to stay in and hang out with people than go out like camping or anything like that. I guess he's up for anything as long as it's in the city limits.

58:Is your OC introverted or extroverted? Extroverted. He likes people marveling at his talents and various parlor tricks.

59:What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC? His "I stuck a fork in an electrical outlet" hair.

60:Does your OC enjoy nature? No. Fuck nature. It's dirty and gross.

dec 19 2014 ∞
dec 19 2014 +