• 1: What does their bedroom look like?

Seiya's bedroom used to be Yuuya's guestroom so most of the furniture and appliances aren't really "his". There's a couple of posters and pictures on the wall of baseball idols and anime characters and his friends. A small closet with a wardrobe he's slowly building up. Lots of puppy toys scattered throughout the room.

  • 2: Do they have any daily rituals?

Baseball practice, dog care routines, and at least 5 minutes of fussing over his hair. It used to be more when he actually had hair. He'll see Yuuya off to work before heading to his parents' house to drop off Joujou. He hates leaving his baby alone so it's better for him to be with all the kids.

  • 3: Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?

More than a decent amount. Between baseball practice and running everywhere to spend more time with Sora, he's probably super fit. Baseball practice is mostly cardio activities with some light weight lifting whenever they're not practicing batting or pitching.

  • 4: What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?

The microwave provided most of his sustenance growing up. It was reheating leftovers or making cup ramen. Now that he's living with Yuuya space isn't really an issue in the kitchen. Seiya is usually the one cooking since Yuuya's job keeps him away at regular "cooking" hours.

  • 5: Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)

His room is fairly clean but that's mostly because he's never in there. The floor is a mess but that's because Joujou gets super excited when Seiya is home and brings him ALL the toys he owns. He's usually out at school or a friend's house or just out on the town. He hates being sticky and sweaty so he showers after every practice. His long hair was his everything so keeping it neat and clean was priority number one. Until it was butchered.

  • 6: Eating habits and sample daily menu

He burns so many calories that the only instruction his coach gave was to eat anything he wanted but try to work nutritious things in there. He didn't have the money for treats before so now he kind of goes overboard on the junk food from the streets. Anything that looks like it might be good goes right into his mouth. He likes to try new things now that he's free from the super repetitive fish, pickles, and rice routine so he'll taste everything at least once.

  • 7: Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time

Video games and hanging out with his friends. Sora gets priority since he spends so much time with Maki at practice. He's not opposed to group outings though. He doesn't have a lot of free time so if at any moment he has an opening in his day he'll run right over to either Sora's or wherever his friends are hanging out. It's only wasted time if he's not with somebody he cares about. As long as he's with someone, it doesn't really matter what they end up doing.

  • 8: Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging

Food. And kissing. When his coach gave him the blank check to eat whatever he wanted it was like a long awaited liberation. He loves food so much and he figures that he's just making up for all the years of eating bare bones type meals. He's catching up to everyone else who got to try all of that other stuff when they were little. And kissing he likes because it feels nice and safe. It's embarrassing to do it in public but alone together it's fine.

  • 9: Makeup?

He could never get a hold of any so he doesn't have any experience with it. There are a few things he's interested in trying (like all of the tricks to make your eyes seem SMALLER) but getting clothes that actually fit are a priority before dabbling in make up.

  • 10: Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?

The biggest ones are self image and attention. He was kind of a late bloomer so he had to deal with being baby faced at a time when everyone was getting together with someone else. Even after he's filled out and gotten taller he still has a lot of issues with his own body that make him feel like no one would ever find him attractive (read: Sora), and having a super hot boyfriend doesn't really help because he feels like the ugly duckling of the two. He also craves attention but also feels like he's being selfish by wanting it. He probably wouldn't recognize them as neuroses.

  • 11: Intellectual pursuits?

The only thing he really likes is chemistry. It's the only class he really tries at. He grew up with the subject since it was always discussed at home.

  • 12: Favorite book genre?

High fantasy. It helped a lot with his home situation to be able to imagine that he was somewhere else, being his own person and saving the world with people he could call friends.

  • 13: Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?

Aceee. Coming to terms with that caused him a lot of grief and heartache, especially since his family is so gung ho about having huge families of their own. He doesn't really understand the concept of having a preference or what that preference entails. It seems complicated and confusing but he doesn't really have someone he can ask questions to. He probably had a lot of talks with Sora about boundaries and compromises in regards to what they'd need to make it work. And what he learned out of those discussions is probably the extent of what he understands about sex.

  • 14: Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)

Uhh do his tattoos count? Kids that young shouldn't really have them but they're a family tradition. It's also kind of a way to brand the kids as a part of their family and keep them from straying too far since having tattoos keeps you from using certain facilities like public bath houses and pools. He's also got some scars from an accident at a building site when he got loose and ran right into a material dump pile.

  • 15: Biggest and smallest short term goal?

Biggest short term goal is passing his classes so he can play baseball, smallest short term goal is gaining 2 pounds for the week.

  • 16: Biggest and smallest long term goal?

Biggest long term goal is making sure Sora never ends up alone in the yakuza, smallest long term goal is taking the team to koshien again.

  • 17: Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress

Seiya wears things that catch his interest without sticking to one particular "style". He likes the color yellow, soft materials, and sky themed prints. No real rituals but he prefers to put his socks on last.

  • 18: Favorite beverage?

Strawberry calpico

  • 19: What do they think about before falling asleep at night?

Sora and Joujou and Maki and anyone else he was texting. He likes to look out the window as he drifts off because it reminds him of how happy he is to live with someone who cares that he's home but also that he misses his parents.

  • 20: Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?

He was premature and had trouble thriving so he was perpetually under performing in weight/height when compared to his peers. Worse still, his nibblings were always bigger than he was, even the ones slightly younger than him.

  • 21: Turn-ons? Turn-offs?

lol let's do personality stuff. He is turned off by: people who put themselves up at the expense of other's feelings, people who are cruel for no reason, People who are mean to kids, People who don't like dogs, people who disrespect his (admittedly not very large) boundaries, people who underestimate him. Turn one include: people who are lively, people who like to run, people who take him up on offers to play fight, people who play with his hair, people being nice to Joujou, and crispy french fries. That being said....he likes it when Sora talks low when they're cuddling.

  • 22: Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?

Draw his clan symbol over and over and over. The Hatsuda hold is very hard to break out of. If he'd just had a particularly pleasant experience he would doodle Joujou's bizarre and adorable adventures.

  • 23: How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?

Very. He wants to squeeze every possible free minute out of his day to spend more time with Sora so he needs to have his shit in order. He doesn't own much so that minimizes the clutter. Everything else gets put back where it was to keep it out of the way for when he inevitably runs out of the door.

  • 24: Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?

Chemistry since it was something discussed frequently in the home by the "adults". They needed to stay ahead of the curve of the rising use of "green" materials so he grew up hearing about the application of chemistry in thermal glass, solar panels, and other construction materials which he always found very cool.

  • 25: How do they see themselves 5 years from today?

In a cozy house with Sora and Joujou, going to college to be a big nerd. Running late to class because he stopped to karate chop a fool because he is also a super hero in this scenario. And also running to catch his train so he can go to his rock god boyfriend's sold out concert.

  • 26: Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?

Get a baseball scholarship and go to school because Yuuya said that'll be the only way to break out of the vicious cycle of his family. He would also like to still be with Sora because he likes him a lot. That's about the extent of his plan. If the scholarship didn't happen then he'd move back home and work with the rest of his family. At least it's money even if it's a loveless environment. That way he has income in case Sora needs money, fast. He very briefly entertained the idea of making drugs in the very worst case scenario.

  • 27: What is their biggest regret?

That he never got to make memories with his family as their son and brother instead of grandchild #32. He thinks their neglect is partially his fault.

  • 28: Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?

Maki,Joujou, and Sora are his bff trifecta. Kazumi is his worst enemy abroad. His oldest brother, Shunya and his dad are the enemy at home.

  • 29: Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)

Ensure the safety of the people/dog he cares about the most. Once their safety is guaranteed, he'll leap into the problem to fix it as best he can. If they are not safe he will rip himself apart to do whatever it takes to get them happy, healthy, and safe. If he should fail he will keep at it until he succeeds at even a minor win. If success is not possible he will either kill himself trying or sell his soul to the devil.

  • 30: Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)

Sudden and violent explosion. He isn't equipped to deal healthily with the loss of someone he was close to since he can count them on his fingers and have some to spare. He'll immediately look for something to blame the loss on and swear bloody retribution on it. Which loops back to question 29.

  • 31: Most prized possession?

The ancient hair pin passed down in his family that he can no longer wear due to lack of hair.

  • 32: Thoughts on material possessions in general?

He only recently started acquiring things that are ONLY his as opposed to being shared with 47534 other people. He's not particularly attached to many things since his stuff was constantly being broken by sticky babby fingers or commandeered by an adult who wanted it. Stuff comes and goes and is replaced by other things. They only matter if a strong feeling is attached to it. Any babby who tried to touch the puppy keychain Sora gave him when he told him about his family situation would be thrown in a dumpster.

  • 33: Concept of home and family?
  • 34: Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)

Living in a house with 60 billion other people left him with no personal privicy so he's a pretty open book to people he knows on a deeper level. That's why he has no secrets with his family and close friends. He has no reservations about his body either so the entire baseball team knows what he looks like naked since he isn't shy when changing in the locker room. He's more reserved around strangers. Because it isn't their bidness.

  • 35: What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?

Video games. He's a sucker for a good platformer. Naps. Especially naps.

  • 36: What makes them feel guilty?
  • 37: Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?

Almost completely emotional. He's a creature of instinct. He trusts his gut almost as much as he trusts Bill Nye.

  • 38: What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?

Naps. Play wrestling. Tending to Joujou. Spending alone time with Sora.

  • 39: Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
  • 40: How misanthropic are they?
  • 41: Hobbies?
  • 42: How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?

He'll go to college eventually and maybe pursue higher education in the future if it's for the best of the household he builds with Sora. He probably learned more about chemistry at home than he did in school so he supports self taught people whole heartedly. Some people just don't absorb well in a classroom setting.

  • 43: Religion?

His family worships the sun but he mostly thinks it's fairy tale stuff. He still believes in part. It's hard to shake off his family's influence.

  • 44: Superstitions or views on the occult?

Whenever there's a solar eclipse his family goes into lock down because they see it as an ill omen. Seiya spends eclipses furiously texting the people he cares about to be sure they haven't died. No thoughts on the occult other than it shouldn't be messed with.

  • 45: Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?

A little of both. He isn't one to hide his feelings and he is so starved for physical affection that he'll take any excuse for more. He doesn't have much money so he'll express love through small gestures like thoughtful texts and favors of varying sizes.

  • 46: If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
  • 47: How do they express love?
  • 48: If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?

No holds barred beat down. His greatest strength is that he's fast so his best strategy is to so as much damage as he can quickly since he's small and weighs like 100 pounds.

  • 49: Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?

Not really. He's not in any rush to die but he also doesn't see the point of worrying about the inevitable. One day the sun will set for him and that'll be that. He only hopes that he can leave the people he loves most in good hands. He asked Making to please take care of Yuuya and Sora in his absence and asked Joujou to be a good boy for Sora if he doesn't come back one day.

may 3 2015 ∞
may 9 2015 +