• How his codependent relationship with Maki manifests after he starts trying to work on it? Are there any habits and behaviors he exhibits as a result from that relationship that will still be lingering even after he's decided to step away from Maki and not be so dependent on them?

Seiya has absolutely no idea how to healthily split his time with two people and still make time for himself (since that requires more than one person paying attention to him) so it's going to take a while for him to get it right and it's probably going to involve at least one break down on his part and a couple of fights with both Maki and Sora. Sometimes he'll tell Maki something that's bothering him and forget that he hasn't told Sora so Sora will have to find out either much later or through a third party. And sometimes if Sora is having a particularly bad week/day he won't want bother Sora with his things and just not tell him. Since Sora is kind of touch and go on the physical aspect of their relationship (no hand holding in public etc etc) Maki is kind of his tag in for that since he likes it and there really isn't anything stopping him from cuddling up with Maki. So a lot of people just kind of continue assuming that they're dating which isn't a BAD thing but it might bother Sora? idk. There's also like no secrets with him and Maki so maybe he over shares with them intimate relationship stuff? Not things like Sora's yakuza problems but like if they ever messed around then Maki would be getting an email about it like 30 seconds after Sora leaves. Any food that came in pairs usually went straight to Maki and it's only afterwards that it occurred to him that maybe Sora would like to share like popsicles with him. And even though they're in class together and spend a lot of time at baseball together, at least some of his free time goes to Maki because it feels strange to go too long without Maki near him. I should also add that he's really used to Maki cleaning up the messes he leaves through his recklessness so he's going to have to learn to stop being a fuck up and Sora is going to have to learn to deal with fallout and maybe help Seiya with problems he can't handle on his own.

  • How often does he wash joujou?

He washes Joujou at least twice a week. Once a week during the winter because Joujou shivering from cold makes Seiya cry. More often if it's a very hot day, he gets into shenanigans or accidentally gets really wet when he snoops into Seiya taking his bath. Wet dog smell isn't pleasant no matter how much Seiya loves him so into the bath he goes.

  • What is his favorite color?

Yellow in both universes. It's the color of outside and sunshine.

  • boxers or briefs?

Boxers. They're more comfy and are a safer bet when he wears dresses.

  • If sora asked for pictures to wank to, would seiya oblige? they wouldn't be super risque or nude, just regular photos with sexy eyes, probably.

He'd probably be weirded out at being asked for them but he'd agree to it. He isn't particularly body shy and like the whole baseball team has seen him naked so why not let Sora have a picture or two.

  • What is seiya's favorite thing to do with maki? like if they aren't playing baseball, what are they doing?

Dance practice, snack making, and gossip is their trifecta. With napping on Maki alternating with the gossip. Seiya likes touching so no matter what they're doing they're probably touching somehow.

  • what is his relationship with kiku like? like how do they interact in the hs au since they're in different interest circles and how did they meet? are they as close as in the ninjaverse?

In both universes they're kind of like annoying siblings to each other. When they get along well they get along REALLY well but more often than not they're fighting about something stupid and minor and petty like Seiya laughing at Kiku having soy sauce on her face but not telling her about it so she walked around with it for way too long. Seiya doesn't like her puppets/dolls because they creep him out so he bashes them a lot which upsets Kiku but she usually gets him back by like draping all over him and using him as a foot stool of sorts. Even so, they're pretty ride or die for each other because they've known each other for a long time. In the ninja canon they met in the ninja academy and they fell together because him, Maki, and Kiku were all kind of outsiders in a way? Kiku was born in Land of Snow and her dad moved them to Suna for business purposes; Maki's clan used to wander before they settled in Suna and Seiya's family is the freckly step child who lives underground in their own little world. So they all had that in common and hung out together and then they were assigned to the same group so yayyy. In the HS!AU they met in middle school when they all had science lab together and got lumped together by the teacher. Kiku was weird as fuck and Maki had to play mediator between the two since they kept fighting. Kiku really liked Maki and you don't get Maki without Seiya so they ended up hanging out together. They fight a lot but Seiya is a really good friend so the three of them just formed something that worked even though they don't have a lot in common. So now they're just super supportive of each other, Kiku goes to their important baseball matches, and Maki and Seiya never miss Kiku's robotics events.

  • what is seiya's favorite pokemon?

Jirachi. It's small but super powerful, yellow, and it's related to shooting stars just like he is. And it's got that super creepy eye on it's stomach which is like PWOOOO SHOOTING YOU FROM MY BELLY BUTTON.

  • how often would seiya be able to set aside for hanging out with masao? and what kind of stuff would they do or joke about given...masao's tastes. like for instance, if masao got too talkative about his boyfriend's dong how would seiya steer the conversation in another direction, or would he just sit there and pretend to listen?

He's totally up for spending the night at Masao's place whenever he's not already promised Maki or Sora that he'd stay over if Tetsuo is also cool with it. If he's staying at his own house for once then he's probably texting/snapchatting Maki, Sora, Kiku and Masao at the same time right before heading to bed. And he'd be totally fine with eating lunch in a group in class or on the roof so they could totally have lunch together unless he goes off with Kazumi to do whatever. As for one on one time it would probably happen more often whenever he has a break from baseball if they both haven't made plans with their respective boyfriends. If Masao texted him that he really needed to hang out though he'd drop just about anything to go and talk or whatever Masao wanted to do. idk I imagine they'd probably talk about dumb gross teenage boy things. He doesn't get sex but he can joke about it. They can talk about the group or their older teacher's futile effort at passing off a really shitty toupee as his real hair. Play fight and dare each other to do things and try out disgusting food combinations for the hell of it. He would try to teach Masao some baseball and maybe some dance moves because that white boy dancing is nagl. Tetsuo would be more than welcome to join in any of the above if he'd like. Seiya likes them both. Re: Kazumi's dong, it really depends on the timeline. If it's when Seiya's still sad about things never working out with Masao, he'd probably fake laugh, excuse himself, and go be sad in the bathroom for a while. If it's later on he'd just be like EW GROSS MAN DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT YOUR BOYFRIEND'S MICROPENIS but maybe he'd listen anyway in case he picks up something useful. And sometimes Seiya just needs to listen to a good trainwrecky conversation.

  • what is seiya's feelings about sora's family situation, both universes.

The short is that he's sad about it in both universes. In the ninja canon there really isn't much that he could do since the debt is wayyyy out of his reach to affect in any way, so all he can do is offer Sora his unconditional love and support. His understanding of "family" in the ninja canon is kind of strange and fucked since he was raised by robot nannies (not actually robots) and he's lived alone in his own pseudo underground apartment since he was kicked out of the nursery when he was like 8, but he gets difficult relationships with parents since his are kind of absentee until it's time to go visit Grandma and Grandpa in the outside realm. Like he's aware that he has a biological mother and father but everyone in the "hive" so to speak are also parental figures in a way. Anyway, yes he understands how hard it is to have a weird relationship with your parents. In the HS!AU he has gone to sleep more than once trying to make plans on how to get Sora the fuck out of his family like maybe asking Yuuya to adopt him too. Like his grandma and grandpa are GR8 and he loves them to death but Sora needs to get away from his dad who is kind of a douche. If he devotes too much time to thinking about it he starts feeling really sad and desperate because he wants more than anything for Sora to just get a break from all the crap he's had to deal with.

  • if sora got a dog and it did not get along with joujou at all like maybe joujou just is too territorial or maybe sora's new dog hates other dogs, how would they manage to make that work?

Well they don't live together so everyone's dogs just stay at their house I guess. And he'll find someone else to dog sit when he has to go away.

  • what is seiya's favorite digimon?

Wizardmon. He admires his devotion to his friends.

  • would seiya want to eventually marry sora? would he have a problem if sora was just completely against getting rings as a sign of commitment?

He would. His family really pushes marriage so even when he lives outside their radar he couldn't help that he's been hardwired to see marriage as the next logical step in a relationship. Uhm it really would depend on whether or not Sora talked about why he didn't want to get married. If he doesn't understand why not then they'd probably get in a fight or two about it until Sora at least gave him an explanation. After knowing why he might not want to do it then he'd probably be sad for a couple of days but eventually come to terms with it and just let it go. He can live being together with Sora without it being "official". I think in a way though he'd be nursing a hurt feeling about their relationship always kind of being in the shadows. He's a very open person about everything and since their relationship is very important to him he'd really hate always kind of feeling like Sora's dirty little secret.

  • does seiya ever go to his parents' place and try to demand attention even after he stopped living with them?

This is strictly HS!AU since their ninja canon relationship is very different. He goes over to visit (no matter what they are still his parents) and spend time with his niblings but he knows better than to expect attention. They do give him more attention after he's moved out but it's usually to criticize something or address a rumor they heard. They usually get his oldest brother to do the nagging though since he's also an interested party being the heir and all. Sometimes Seiya dreams about confronting his parents and getting a straight answer about why they did why they did or why they had him at all if they weren't going to be there for him. But they're just dreams. Once his mom touched his head when she fussed about his hair (he's supposed to keep the top knot) and he almost cried.

  • what's seiya's ideal white picket fence scenario?

In the ninja canon; the most important part would be that he somehow loses the bloodline limit so there's a bigger chance that he'll get to grow old with Sora. Aside from that he'd really like to move in together with Sora either topside or under ground and maybe enjoy domestic bliss in a long vacation. Then back to ninja work because he loves what he does. Also that Joujou lives to be like 100. In the HS!AU, he'd like to know with certainty that Sora won't be haunted by the Yakuza any more, get a well paying job with chemistry, grow at least a couple of inches so he doesn't look ridiculous in a lab coat, move in with Sora and spend their days just being happy together making sure that neither of them ever feel lonely ever again. Maki buys the apartment/house next door and then they can be neighbors. Also that Joujou lives to be like 100.

  • what does seiya do when he can't get to sleep at night? does he ever have nights like that in the first place?

He's usually exhausted by the time he gets home from baseball practice but if he's really stressed about something then he'll have trouble staying in bed. When he used to live close to Maki he'd go over in the middle of the night and sneak into their bed. Now that he lives farther away he just goes and watches TV until he passes out. If he accidentally wakes up Joujou he'll curl up with him on the couch and he'll talk to him or they just watch TV together until he passes out. In the ninja canon he'll take a stroll around the caves or just clean up his room.

  • what is seiya's texting/typing style?

Fast and loose. He's probably splitting his attention between several people whenever he's texting so he wants to answer quickly and keep all the conversations alive. Lots of slang, acronyms, and emoji. He's pretty knowledgeable in symbols but prioritizes speed so he'll keep things fairly simple unless he's writing a paper for school. He'll start using more emojis the closer he is to falling asleep if the exchange is being done at night. If the topic he's discussing is delicate he'll actually spell things out.

  • what are his phobias?

Deep water and places that are too quiet are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. He can't swim and he's short so deep water is really creepy and would make him panic. He's also so used to being in places full of people that when things get too quiet it makes him very anxious so he usually likes to keep a fan on or just something that provides white noise. In the ninja canon he's mostly just afraid of his bloodline limit but most of all, not leaving a body behind when he dies. When Yuuya told him what used to happen to their clan members who had the bloodline limit he had a panic attack and now every time he thinks too hard about his bloodline limit he freaks out and can't stop thinking about just disappearing without a trace and Maki and Sora and everyone never being able to see him again.

  • how does he feel about kazuya and sougo's friendship? does he worry that sougo will try to recruit his brother?

He mostly dislikes that Kazuya bothers him even more when he drinks bit he has no issues whatsoever with them being friends. If anything he's glad Sougo has someone he could call a friend? Kazuya is a grown ass man who knows what he's doing. If he accepts to joining the Yakuza that's entirely his business. There really isn't a lot of warm fuzzy memories or feelings that would make Seiya especially sad at the concept of Kazuya being in the Yakuza. He'd probably find it funny that he'd fallen into a line of work that is an anagram of his name. ...they really need to talk things out.

  • does seiya secretly enjoy kazuya's attention?

Yes and no. He's smart enough to know that it's not exactly genuine affection. And he doesn't like being babied. But a part of him is so starved for affection that he'll accept it even if it has ulterior motives. So he fights against the clinging but not as hard as he would if he whole heartedly wanted nothing to do with Kazuya's feelings.

  • what would seiya do if sora joined the yakuza? sora would definitely try to break up with him, but would seiya let that happen?

Put up a stiff upper lip because it's not about him at the moment and Sora needs support not a weepy baby. He'd ask first of all if it would be possible for Seiya to take his place. He doesn't really see himself as worth much since he was always like a zero to the left of the decimal point in his family so he wouldn't see joining the Yakuza as much of a loss to anyone in the grand scheme of things. Sougo still gets to be around Kazuya and gets to live in a home presumably? So he wouldn't see it as saying goodbye to Maki and Yuuya and Joujou forever. And if it buys Sora his freedom then he wouldn't see why NOT to do it. He hadn't made plans for the long term anyway so he wouldn't be giving up a dream and he'd gain the knowledge that Sora would be safe and happy and finally have that weight lifted from his shoulders. So yeah just. Try to make himself more marketable by playing up the few good points he has. And if taking his place entirely isn't an option then he'd try ask to join as well. No matter what he wouldn't want Sora to go through it alone and that would be true even if they weren't dating and Sora was just his very good friend. His family kind of phoned it in so he's determined to devote himself entirely to the few people who have made him feel like he's worth anything at all. It's probably part of the reason why he couldn't stop being friends with Masao even though seeing him with Kazumi made him so miserable. Anyway if Sora tried to break up with him he'd slap him and then go and then go and do what I said above with or without Sora knowing about it. If Sora still wants to be broken up after that then that's fine. But he wouldn't let Sora go through it if he could help it in any way.

  • Is there any kind of food seiya hates?

Food that is gone :( He'll try everything at least once but if I had to say something that he just would not give a second chance to? Natto. He would eat it once, puke, and then develop a deep hatred for it because it ruined food as a beautiful and pure concept for him. Apart from that he'd wolf down just about anything like at a party if there was something that most of the guests just left on their plates Seiya would be like GIVE IT TO MEEEE and he would absorb it into the bottomless pit that is his stomach. If somebody needed to eat evidence Seiya is ur guy.

  • What are seiya's feelings about the other suna team, and the teacher?

Seiya didn't really think anything of them at first since he'd already made chuunin by the time they came around. They were just another noobie team with a freakishly tall for a 12 year old member. Once he got to know them though he didn't really like Chise. She hits all of his turn off buttons. They have all of his negative dynamic with Kiku with none of their positive traits. Taka is a little intense but a good kid. Seiya would like to help him grow into someone entirely himself instead of just a hodgepodge of people he idolizes. Idk enough about Hijiri to have Seiya form an opinion. He thought Sora was an incredibly pretty and tall 12 year old.

  • does seiya ever wish he was an only child despite it all?

Idk what you mean by despite it all but no. He likes the concept of large families. The problem is that there were too many people demanding attention from a cranky old dude and an overworked old lady. He wishes his parents had had him when they were younger and maybe that his siblings had had less children. Then TBC....

  • how would seiya deal with winning koushien long term? he'd have some fame for a while, and it might come back from time to time for a while afterwards.
  • in the ninjaverse, what's the rough estimate of seiya's lifespan? would he be able to fall in love with sora over again if he were to lose memories of sora?
  • sora pops a boner while they're cuddling. (he'd excuse himself btw) but how would seiya deal with that?
  • what is seiya's favorite food -- such as, if he was forced to eat only one thing for a month, what would it be?
  • how does seiya regulate negative emotions and how good is he at keeping himself from blowing up?
  • if seiya was granted a place in the yakuza (say sougo asked him and sora wasn't around), would he take up that offer or would he put it to bed?
  • marvel universe au: quick, what is sora's ability and backstory. is he a mutant? an alien? did he gain abilities from some outside force such as radiation? what are his abilities and how would he choose to use them? does he become a superhero? how does he deal with personal life and power life?
may 4 2015 ∞
may 21 2015 +