• Relationship History:

Where did the two first meet? Sora's terrible first impression after baseball practice one day.

What was their first impression of their significant other? That he was trying to be sneaky about bullying him. Hiding the 'lol you're super short' underneath a blanket of vague praise. Seiya was already wary about Kazumi at that point so he noped out of there pretty quickly.

When did they realize they had feelings for their partner? The first time he heard Sora sing.


Hair colour? Kazumi has instilled an aversion to light colored hair in him forever. He used to have no preference.

Eye colour? No preference for color. As long as they look warm.

Glasses? No preference.

Piercings? They can be pretty cool. But he has no strong feelings about them.

Tattoos? He has several of his own so he's cool with them.

Chest hair? No thank you.

Scars? Where? He's not put off by them but they're also not something that would make someone more attractive to him.

Smart/not? He would never really take intelligence into consideration honestly. He's fairly smart but has diverted so much of his attention to baseball and his friends that school and ~deep intellectual talks~ are kind of on the back burner.

  • As a person s/he is...:

Sarcastic/not? Sometimes when he's cranky or being belligerent at Kazumi.

Humourous/not? Very. He's also easy to amuse e.g. the tiny star anus on a key chain gave him life for like a week.

Possessive/not? Not unless someone is aggressively smelling up on his partner. He's fine with light flirting and even some physical touching but when it starts looking like the other person means business then the claws come out.

Patient/not? Yes but he has a limit.

Affectionate/not? Yeah. He's a big fan of pre-marital hand holding/holding in general. And an incorrigible kiss thief.

Protective/not? Very much so. He'd take on anything and everyone for the people he loves.

Clingy/not? Only when in bed with someone else. Koala mode is activated.

Expressive/not? Very expressive. He hates lying about his feelings.

Talkative/quiet? Pretty talkative but not excessively chatty. He knows when it's time to shut up.

Outgoing/shy? Outgoing.

Party animal/Stay at home kind? He's fine with either/or but prefers to be outside. At least during the day.

Sporty/not? Very sporty. Starting pitcher and all that.

Artistic/not? He can play several instruments. Proficiency in artwork is pretty much limited to calligraphy and ink wash painting.

Practical or more of the dreamy type? Mostly practical. That doesn't stop him from trying his hardest to create a best case scenario.

  • Skills:

Can they cook or bake? Both. He was left alone a lot of the time so he had to fend for himself. Plus he learned so he could take Maki food when they got sick.

Can they repair/fix things? Not really. He'd probably just take the broken thing to Kiku since she's better at that type of stuff.

Can they dance? Yes. Maki loves to dance so he practices dance routines with them. Consequently he can move his ass like nobody's business.

Can they sing? Nope.

Can they draw? Mostly just calligraphy and ink wash stuff.

Can they play any instrument? Piano and acoustic guitar. The guitar his family owns, the piano he learned at Kiku's house.

Can they write well? No. It always comes out as train of thought type lumpy garbage.

Can they make people laugh? Yeah his laugh is pretty contagious. If nothing else, how worked up he gets when talking is amusing.

What is their talent if they have found it? Pitching is the only one he'll recognize. He's probably top 2 of his year in chemistry. Athletic things in general are right up his alley, as is anything that requires significant coordination.

Are they good at science and math? Yes at both.

Are they good at kissing? He has no idea what he's doing so not really. He just kind of sits there really rigidly with his eyes closed and waits to be led through it. With a little more experience he could be good.

  • Random Quirks:

Are they an animal lover? Mostly pets. JouJou is his entire world.

Are they environmental-friendly? Not really.

Are they racist? Nope.

Are they a vegetarian? No.

Do they drink? When he gets a little bigger he will. But a responsible partner or friend should cut him off after a couple of drinks because he can't handle his alcohol.

Smoke? Nope. It would be irresponsible when he's young and he doesn't have a taste for it as he gets older. Not that he would mind a partner who does.

Curse? Yes. Especially when he gets riled up.

Sleep around? Nope.

Abuse drugs? Nope. He'd be too paranoid about failing the pee tests.

Are they hairy? No. He has body hair but it's fairly light.

Are they neat/messy? He's like almost never home so he doesn't have much of a chance to get his room messy. His baseball bag is organized out of necessity.

  • Assorted Questions:

Are they a romantic? Self-professed or closet? Very romantic. He'd be the type to do grand gestures.

Are they sentimental? Yeah. He was kind of starved of affection growing up so anything that really gets to him gets tucked away for the darker times in his life.

Would they buy their partner flowers? If his partner liked flowers....but he'd probably have to save up for them.

Would they lavish their partner with gifts? If he had the money maybe. But he doesn't. So. Maybe just kind letters or little doodles he does.

Would they pay for meals/tickets/etc? Maybe on their birthday and every now and then. He doesn't have the money to go out often. It gets a little better when he moves in with Yuuya but he still can't afford to go out a ton of times every week. Even if he had the time to spare.

Are they okay with confessing love in public? Yeah. He wouldn't mind it.

Do they express love in words or actions? Both. Anything and everything to make his feelings crystal clear.

  • Cons:

Any habits to dislike? A tendency to belittle his better traits. His initial codependency with Maki. A tendency to bite off more than he can chew and get himself into shitty situations. Absolutely hates lying even for a good cause. In the ninjaverse, partners kind of have to deal with 'btw your boyfriend exploded but he should come back maybe!'

Parts of their appearance they believe to be unlikeable? His height, shoujo eyes, and freckles. If he could get/afford surgery for all three, he would.

Flaws in character that would make relationships difficult? His relationship with Maki, can be stubborn, reckless, won't reach out for help until he's in super hot water, low self esteem, has difficult accepting that he's good enough for anyone he's dating. He explodes.

Relationship deal-breakers? Anyone who messes with his loved ones or his dog. Getting talked down to. Getting his limits purposefully ignored.

dec 19 2014 ∞
jan 13 2015 +