• Relationship History:

Where did the two first meet? I and Toshi met at Shibuya and then at school. They knew each other for a while before they decided to give their relationship a go.

What was their first impression of their significant other? Toshi thought that I was a lot like the type of person he likes. She was kind of hardcore in an exciting way.

When did they realize they had feelings for their partner? When I told him that she liked him. The feelings were there he'd just kind of repressed them and written them off as nothing.


Hair colour? No preference.

Eye colour? No preference.

Glasses? No preference.

Piercings? He's got a kink for them. Piercings anywhere are a plus for him.

Tattoos? Same as piercings.

Chest hair? No homo.

Scars? Where? Same as tattoos and piercings. They're hardcore and interesting and probably give him all sorts of boners.

Smart/not? No preference. That a person be interesting is more important to him than whether or not they're intelligent.

  • As a person s/he is...:

Sarcastic/not? Nope. He's pretty serious.

Humourous/not? He can joke around every now and then, especially around the people he's closest with. His humor is pretty dark.

Possessive/not? Yes and no. He hates his parents being so intense about him so he's vowed never to do the same. However, he'll destroy anything that might compromise the few friendships he has as he's terrified of being left friendless.

Patient/not? His parents have crushed his own dreams and desires so he's kind of forcefully patient.

Affectionate/not? Not in particular. He's kind of a cold dude.

Protective/not? He's not around people who need protecting. So no.

Clingy/not? Not even a little bit.

Expressive/not? Nope.

Talkative/quiet? He's quiet around most people but can get uncharacteristically chatty with I, Fuume, and Sora.

Outgoing/shy? Not shy. Just quiet.

Party animal/Stay at home kind? A silent, broody party animal.

Sporty/not? Not. He smokes and is really tall and lanky so he's got a glacial pace. Stars were born and died in the time it took him to complete the 1 mile run in P.E.

Artistic/not? He's musically inclined but isn't particularly interested in painting or sculpture or anything like that.

Practical or more of the dreamy type? Practical. There was no room for dreams in his house.

  • Skills:

Can they cook or bake? He's had a full wait staff forever so he can't cook to save his life.

Can they repair/fix things? No. He's much more talented at destroying things.

Can they dance? Nope.

Can they sing? Only heavy metal screaming.

Can they draw? Splotchy finger paintings only.

Can they play any instrument? Yes. The ax bass.

Can they write well? No. It's difficult for him to articulate things except in the briefest most to the point way.

Can they make people laugh? If dark humor is to their taste.

What is their talent if they have found it? Destroying things, playing his bass, suppressing emotions, fighting.

Are they good at science and math? He could be if he tried more than the absolute bare minimum.

Are they good at kissing? Uh. He's a pretty rough kisser. Lots of nipping and tongue involved.

  • Random Quirks:

Are they an animal lover? He has no strong feelings for animals but he always dreamed of having a pet as a child.

Are they environmental-friendly? Nope.

Are they racist? Nope.

Are they a vegetarian? Nope.

Do they drink? Yeah. After every serious jam session. Most parties. Fridays.

Smoke? Yes. Whenever he gets the craving.

Curse? Only around people he's comfortable with.

Sleep around? Nah. He's surprisingly prudish. It took a while after they were dating for him to bring up sex with I.

Abuse drugs? He does them but doesn't really abuse them.

Are they hairy? His legs are kind of bushy and his hair is very long.

Are they neat/messy? Neat. His house is pretty spartan.

  • Assorted Questions:

Are they a romantic? Self-professed or closet? Nope.

Are they sentimental? Nope.

Would they buy their partner flowers? No unless I mentioned wanting him to do so. He thinks they're pointless.

Would they lavish their partner with gifts? Nope.

Would they pay for meals/tickets/etc? If I didn't have cash on her yeah.

Are they okay with confessing love in public? Absolutely not.

Do they express love in words or actions? Actions. He's not much of a talker.

  • Cons:

Any habits to dislike? He tends to get broody. Sometimes he'll go into intense rants. Insists on no-homo but checks out Sora and other attractive men at least once a day. Smokes. Can't seem to move at speeds faster than "grass growing".

Parts of their appearance they believe to be unlikeable? Can sometimes feel pretty self conscious about his face scar. Hates his droopy eyes.

Flaws in character that would make relationships difficult? A closeted bisexual. Is willing to go pretty far to keep the few friendships he's made from leaving him. Is kind of manic when he gets in his intense moods.

Relationship deal-breakers? People who try to control him or tell him what to do. Insisting that he's very very homo. Overly peppy naivety.

dec 17 2014 ∞
jan 13 2015 +