• Relationship History:

Where did the two first meet? Probably in Shibuya.

What was their first impression of their significant other? Cutest girl in the world. Her fashion of choice was a little bohemian for Kiku's taste but the way she pulled it off threw off so many dtf flags for Kiku that she couldn't resist.

When did they realize they had feelings for their partner? Probably right away. Kiku falls pretty easily.


Hair colour? Eye catching/unusual colors. She also likes curly hair.

Eye colour? Any color is fine as long as the eyes seem interesting.

Glasses? They can be cute! If they fit the person wearing them she's fine with them.

Piercings? Nothing extremely garish but sometimes even those are fine if they "fit" the person with them.

Tattoos? She really hates pointless tattoos. Like she's fine with partners having them but they better have a story behind them or nty.

Chest hair? No. It's unseemly. Most body hair in general squicks her out.

Scars? Where? Scars are really interesting so she's fine with even the worst of them.

Smart/not? It's more important to her that they have a strong aesthetic than they be super intelligent. She doesn't have anything against partners in the extremes of intelligence though.

  • As a person s/he is...:

Sarcastic/not? No. She's pretty sincere.

Humourous/not? She's pretty funny and clever. Tech puns are her life blood.

Possessive/not? Not at all. If you love something let it go~ and all that.

Patient/not? Extremely so. She's taken a vow to encourage personal growth as often as possible.

Affectionate/not? Very much so. To friends and romantic partners alike. She's very touchy feely. And is moved to tears easily.

Protective/not? Yes. She would burn a city to the ground for the people she loves.

Clingy/not? She sends some texts (riddled with emoji) but never really expects an answer or gets upset when she doesn't get them.

Expressive/not? Yes. She's an open book.

Talkative/quiet? Definitely talkative. She's very passionate about her interests.

Outgoing/shy? Outgoing.

Party animal/Stay at home kind? Uhhh 50/50. She's just as happy going out on the town as she is staying in to work on her robots.

Sporty/not? Kind of? She runs only slightly faster than Toshi the Chain Smoker. But she is in shape enough to last a dance routine.

Artistic/not? Very much so! I mean it's probably closer to like...modern-what-the-hell-is-that-open-interpretation art but she WILL express herself in every medium possible damnit.

Practical or more of the dreamy type? Practical in the tough times, dreamy when it's smooth sailing.

  • Skills:

Can they cook or bake? She's decent enough at cooking that things are edible. Her attempts at baking usually end in fire.

Can they repair/fix things? Yes! She's incredibly handy at tech savvy.

Can they dance? Yes. Classical stuff like ballet and tango.

Can they sing? lol no. Please don't make her try either.

Can they draw? Depending on your definition of successful arting, yes.

Can they play any instrument? Yes. Piano (okay), drums (VERY well), and the harp (extremely well).

Can they write well? She's fine at it.

Can they make people laugh? Yes.

What is their talent if they have found it? Robots. Fashion. Acting. Being a good friend. Fingering.

Are they good at science and math? Yes. Very much so. Definitely in the top 5 of each class.

Are they good at kissing? Yes. She's a fan of the smooching and a devoted practitioner.

  • Random Quirks:

Are they an animal lover? Yes. If it's been on a cute memo pad she's in love with it.

Are they environmental-friendly? Uhhh not in particular.

Are they racist? No.

Are they a vegetarian? No.

Do they drink? Yes. She's a bottle fairy.

Smoke? Nope.

Curse? When she's drunk or angry.

Sleep around? Kind of yeah.

Abuse drugs? Nope.

Are they hairy? Nope. She doesn't like body hair.

Are they neat/messy? Very neat. She needs to keep her stuff organized or her life would fall apart.

  • Assorted Questions:

Are they a romantic? Self-professed or closet? Very romantic.

Are they sentimental? Yes. And a weepy one to boot.

Would they buy their partner flowers? Yes! At the drop of a hat.

Would they lavish their partner with gifts? Yes. Once she's learned your tastes it's over.

Would they pay for meals/tickets/etc? If the other party can't handle the costs then yeah. But she always tried to be mindful of what her partners could and couldn't do and would tailor dates accordingly.

Are they okay with confessing love in public? Yes. A giant sap.

Do they express love in words or actions? Both.

  • Cons:

Any habits to dislike? Sometimes when she starts a project she can lose track of time and end up working on her robot for days. I guess her glass heart can get annoying sometimes. Her overt kindness can be pretty easily mistaken for romantic interest by people who don't know her well so it seems like she flirts all the time. She can ramble for ages about the things she likes. Sometimes she'll steamroll you with her enthusiasm. Can sometimes be snooty about fashion.

Parts of their appearance they believe to be unlikeable? She's flat as a board so she'd like more boobs. She thinks she'd be cuter if she was shorter but her height can be advantageous so she doesn't complain about that much.

Flaws in character that would make relationships difficult? Tender hearted, emotional, easily loses herself to her passions, unintentionally isolates herself and gets insecure when she does so, strives constantly to make everybody happy which can sometimes backfire and end with nobody being happy, extremely passionate and devoted which can turn into stubborness

Relationship deal-breakers? Inconsiderate people, people who are just mean like all the time, people who are cruel to people or animals, Dismissing fashion as just "pointless girly crap", saying that Kiku is "_____....for a girl"

dec 19 2014 ∞
jan 13 2015 +