• Relationship History:

Where did the two first meet? Mamoru met Sanae at try outs for the baseball team. Probably.

What was their first impression of their significant other? That Sanae was way too small to be a catcher but was super small and therefore cute and should be protected. And also that he was kind of a little bit loud.

When did they realize they had feelings for their partner? When he realized the lengths he was willing to go to in order to help Sanae make his dreams come true wasn't something he'd do for any of the other short and cute people he knows.

  • Preferences:

Hair colour? No strong preference for a color. As long as it looks soft and inviting it's enough.

Eye colour? He's drawn to watery tones but wouldn't recognize it as a preference. Big eyes are a plus.

Glasses? No strong feelings for glasses unless they're on a cute or round face.

Piercings? He's got several on his ears so he's open to partners with them. At least in semi-conventional places. He'd probably be put off by nipple or dick piercings.

Tattoos? Probably wouldn't date people with giant face tattoos but would be fine with most tattoos that could be covered up with long sleeves and pants.

Chest hair? Wouldn't mind it to a degree. If it looks like a giant hair forest on a chest then it's too much for him.

Scars? Where? He'd probably be more alarmed by scars than turned on by them.

Smart/not? No preference. He can admire different types of intelligence so as long as someone is interesting he wouldn't care if they're not conventionally intelligent.

  • As a person s/he is...:

Sarcastic/not? He doesn't talk much so sarcasm would be too much effort for his usual one-two word replies.

Humourous/not? He's good at some forms of humor with the people he actually bothers talking to but he wouldn't be good at telling jokes.

Possessive/not? Kind of. His instinct to protect could morph into possessiveness if left unchecked.

Patient/not? Only with small or cute people/animals/things. Not with anybody else.

Affectionate/not? Not in particular. He'd be more about small gestures than giant displays of affection.

Protective/not? Yes. Very.

Clingy/not? Nah. He likes his space too much to be clingy.

Expressive/not? He talks more to Sanae than most other people but he's not one to talk much about himself.

Talkative/quiet? More on the quiet side.

Outgoing/shy? Not so much shy as anti-social.

Party animal/Stay at home kind? Definitely stay at home.

Sporty/not? He's athletic. On the baseball team and all that.

Artistic/not? There isn't an artistic bone in his body.

Practical or more of the dreamy type? Mamoru is practical.

  • Skills:

Can they cook or bake? Big Fat Mom does all the cooking. He can make a mean bowl of cereal.

Can they repair/fix things? Yeah.

Can they dance? Horribly would be an understatement.

Can they sing? Nope.

Can they draw? Nope.

Can they play any instrument? No.

Can they write well? No. The weeks where they have to write poems or short stories for homework are the bane of his existence.

Can they make people laugh? Sometimes. It's not often he jokes around.

What is their talent if they have found it? He's a very powerful pitcher.

Are they good at science and math? More science than math. Biology in particular.

Are they good at kissing? Probably not. He wouldn't know what to do with his hands during either.

  • Random Quirks:

Are they an animal lover? Yes. The smaller and cuter the better.

Are they environmental-friendly? Yeah. He's pretty passionate about water conservation too.

Are they racist? No.

Are they a vegetarian? No. He loves steaks.

Do they drink? Nope. Underage.

Smoke? Nope. An athlete.

Curse? Yes. When people are bothering him.

Sleep around? Too scary to be approached. He's a virgin.

Abuse drugs? Nope. An athlete. Though people accuse him of using steroids to get huge.

Are they hairy? Not really.

Are they neat/messy? Pretty messy. His room looks like a disaster site.

  • Assorted Questions:

Are they a romantic? Self-professed or closet? Not really.

Are they sentimental? Yeah. He'd probably keep little knick knacks of special days. Which is probably why his room is such a mess.

Would they buy their partner flowers? No. It would be too embarrassing.

Would they lavish their partner with gifts? He'd feel it would ruin the novelty to go overboard. So he'd rather save up for special gifts at significant points.

Would they pay for meals/tickets/etc? If he knew Sanae didn't have cash at the moment.

Are they okay with confessing love in public? No. He's a pretty private guy.

Do they express love in words or actions? He's bad with words so definitely actions. Every now and then he'd say "I like/love you" to Sanae if he felt he needed a reminder though.

  • Cons:

Any habits to dislike? Uh. He shuts himself off a lot. So Sanae would really need to drag stuff out of him. He also has wandering eyes to a degree. Like even after starting to date Sanae he'd probably still go starry eyed over I, Suzume, and Seiya. But he'd never cheat. Just do a lot of gushing.

Parts of their appearance they believe to be unlikeable? His chronic asshole face and the eternal bags under his eyes. It's useful for keeping people away but probably not something SO's would find attractive or sexy.

Flaws in character that would make relationships difficult? See: Habits. He's also kind of a stubborn asshole when it comes to uncute people and prone to violence if too many of his buttons are pushed or if he's just fed up with being around people in general.

Relationship deal-breakers? Cruelty towards the weak or defenseless. Transphobia. Bad hygiene.

dec 16 2014 ∞
jan 13 2015 +