• Relationship History:

Where did the two first meet? School probably. She was following Masao got distracted and ended up following Tetsuo not knowing they were twins.

What was their first impression of their significant other? Less hot version of Masao.

When did they realize they had feelings for their partner? When he apologized to her for Masao's garbage tendencies. He was the first guy to ever apologize to her.


Hair colour? Dark and dreamy.

Eye colour? No preference for color but long lashes are a plus.

Glasses? Not a plus but not too big of a minus.

Piercings? They're a little too intimidating for her.

Tattoos? Ditto

Chest hair? She's more into pretty boys than macho me

Scars? Where? Small ones in not inconvenient places

Smart/not? Intelligence is a plus

  • As a person s/he is...:

Sarcastic/not? No

Humourous/not? She can be funny when she's not acting dumb

Possessive/not? Yes. No one should smell up on Tetsuo.

Patient/not? Yes. Though she has a bad habit of putting herself last

Affectionate/not? Very.

Protective/not? She is of Mamoru but it's hard for her to come off as threatening

Clingy/not? Initially yes. She was afraid Tetsuo would leave her

Expressive/not? Only with Tetsuo and Mamoru since she does t have to act around them

Talkative/quiet? Talkative

Outgoing/shy? Pretty outgoing

Party animal/Stay at home kind? She likes going out but not necessarily to parties

Sporty/not? She's good at pole jumping but that's about it

Artistic/not? She can sing and draw kawaii shoujo art

Practical or more of the dreamy type? Def a dreamer. She had planned out her entire life with Tetsuo about 3 days into their relationship

  • Skills:

Can they cook or bake? She bakes. Pretty good desserts. She's a pro at bentou art and pastry deco

Can they repair/fix things? Not really

Can they dance? Para para style

Can they sing? Yes. Pretty well.

Can they draw? Cute shoujo type

Can they play any instrument? Like chopstix on piano

Can they write well? Twilight. Just. Twilight fanfic.

Can they make people laugh? Yes. She's pretty clever.

What is their talent if they have found it? She's a physics pro and a decent singer.

Are they good at science and math? Yes at both.

Are they good at kissing? Not really. She comes on a little strong.

  • Random Quirks:

Are they an animal lover? Yes. Any and all. She has a fondness for bugs and slugs.

Are they environmental-friendly? Yes.

Are they racist? No.

Are they a vegetarian? Only when around the cute boys at school

Do they drink? Yes. She can get talked into drinking anything

Smoke? Yes. Same as above

Curse? Error she tries but she's really bad at it. She'll make up bad words because she gets so flustered she'll just shout things that sound bas

Sleep around? No. She always got too scared to go all the way

Abuse drugs? No.

Are they hairy? No

Are they neat/messy? Very neat

  • Assorted Questions:

Are they a romantic? Self-professed or closet? She considers herself so and has memorized all sorts of anniversaries

Are they sentimental? Yes. She has a memory box with all the meaningful knickknacks Tetsuo has given her

Would they buy their partner flowers? Yes. Whenever she has big news for Tetsuo

Would they lavish their partner with gifts? Usually home baked/cooked goods

Would they pay for meals/tickets/etc? Fifty fifty is good with her

Are they okay with confessing love in public? Yes. She is very bold

Do they express love in words or actions? Both depending on the situation

  • Cons:

Any habits to dislike? Oh boy. She is super gullible and flighty. Naive and weak willed to a fault. She hides who she really is because she desperately wants to be liked.

Parts of their appearance they believe to be unlikeable? All of her. Especially her eyebrows and her hair

Flaws in character that would make relationships difficult? All of the above mentioned.

Relationship deal-breakers? Nothing. She's a pushover. I guess domestic violence would be the only thing she could never tolerate.

dec 19 2014 ∞
jan 13 2015 +