Those last five minutes before the bell rang always made him feel jittery. Seiya's legs shuffled as he braced himself to bolt out of the classroom. Even if the teacher was explaining something difficult or the topic might be important for a test later on, he couldn't fight the urge to get out as soon as possible to go meet up with...certain people. It wasn't just that it was Sora. He'd do it for his other friends too! Probably.

Because of baseball and homework there wasn't a lot of time for them to be together. Even those stolen 3 minutes or so between when everyone else got out of class and when Seiya sped out of the classroom seemed worth it. Other students might notice his urgency to leave only to be seen shortly after beside Sora. It was bad of him, since their relationship was supposed to be a secret. He couldn't control it. He wanted so badly to be with him as often as they could that his legs just kind of moved on autopilot. Not that he'd even bothered trying to stop it.

The very second the class was dismissed Seiya put up his hood and ran out the door, leaving Maki with only a promise to see them soon. Careful to avoid the halls where prefects were especially uptight, Seiya thumped through the halls straight to the class where Sora would be at. Skidding to a halt right outside the door, he chanced a peek in through the window to see the students inside putting their things away calmly. Huffing for air, Seiya took a moment to straighten his clothes out so it wasn't too obvious he'd made a mad dash over.

So much of being with Sora left him feeling less than put together. Whenever he sang his whole body felt floaty. Their kisses always left him looking dopey and dazed. Even just sitting next to him and hearing him talk made everything feel hazy and like the air was too thick to breathe without sighing often. It was Seiya's first real fight against lovesickness and he was losing horribly. Sometimes he'd get mad at himself for being so embarrassing.

/Just be normal. Play it cool. He won't like it if you keep acting like JouJou when you wave a treat in front of him. You're supposed to be just friends. Friends don't act like that around each other. You don't act like this with Maki you goof! Just act like you would with Maki./

But reason didn't stand a chance; the second Sora noticed him standing beside the door, Seiya beamed as brightly as he could given that 90% of his face was drowning in his hood.


Seiya grimaced at himself. Who even says that anymore? How fucking embarrassing. Physically paralyzed by the humiliation, Seiya's head quickly scrolled through his options.

"I gotta go to practice now bye!"

He turned and dashed towards the baseball field after a clunky wave goodbye. When in crisis, meerkats run towards safety or stand perfectly still and hope to not be noticed. Being dangerously close to proving himself too embarrassing to continue dating and/or living, Seiya's body had decided that the best option was to hide out in a wide open field where absolutely everyone could see him. If high school was a nature documentary Seiya would definitely be that creature that got eaten because it was too stupid to shut its fucking mouth. Maybe an eagle was feeling especially charitable today and would snatch him up before he had to meet up with Sora after practice.

"Come on nature, throw me a solid."

nov 3 2014 ∞
nov 4 2014 +