Oh Sangwoo

Origin: Killing Stalking

Gender: Male

Changes: Vague, possibly violent, homicidal, defensive, isolated

Triggers: Fugees - Killing Me Softly, gore, violence, really bad anxiety attacks, rage,

CC: Yoon Bum

DC: Yang Seungbae

Notes: For the most part, this is just a creepy shift. This shift is only dangerous if triggered by violence, anxiety, or rage (especially anxiety and rage). It is best not to interact unless you absolutely need to. If you need to get me out of my shift, remind me of my mother somehow, or give me something that is okay for me to attack or destroy (ex: punching bag, glass bottles, etc).


Origin: Camp Camp

Gender: Female

Changes: Childlike, hyperactive, spontaneous, competitive, rash

Triggers: Outdoor activities, camping, wildlife, competitions

CC: Max, Neil, David, Gwen

Notes: I will probably do some stupid shit and try to chew more than I can swallow.


Origin: Heathers

Gender: Male

Changes: Scrappy, cheeky, self-destructive, rash, emotionally driven, edgy, quick to violence, kinda creepy, semi-homicidal

Triggers: Heathers musical soundtrack (more specifically songs with JD in them), bullying, anxiety, anger

CC: Veronica

DC: All the Heathers, Kurt, Ram

Notes: .001% chance I'd actually cause a fatal injury, but I might have enough drive to knock someone out or break a nose. Best not to interact if negatively triggered.


Origin: Amnesia

Gender: Male

Changes: Protective, generous kinda creepy, insecure, stand-off-ish, paranoid, self-deprecating

Triggers: Jealousy, paranoia

CC: Shin, Kent, Ikki, Heroine

DC: Rika, Ukyo

Marshall Lee

Origin: Adventure Time


Changes: Lots of singing, cheeky, playful, flirty, really relaxed, passive

Triggers: Marshall Lee/ Marceline songs, quiet nights, night time strolls, use of name

CC: Finn/Fiona, PB/PG, LSP, Ice King/Queen

Notes: This kin also applies to Marceline considering they're the same character, but I relate more to the male version because of the subtle differences as well as my tendencies towards masculinity.

Akko Kagari

Origin: Little Witch Acedemia

Gender: Female

Changes: Hyperactive, enthusiastic, super supportive, very friendly, trusting, feminine, eager, spontaneous

Triggers: Crystals, witchcraft, magic, trying new things

CC: Shiny Chariot, Sucy Manbavaran, Lotte Yansson, literally any character from LWA

Notes: Probably annoying


Origin: Dandelion

Gender: Male

Changes: overprotective, relaxed, sarcastic, confident

Triggers: ???

CC: Jiyeun, Heejung, Lily

DC: Wizard, Jihae, Jieun, Jiwoo

Notes: N/A

Nezumi (Rat)

Origin: No. 6

Gender: Male

Changes: Cold, cocky, defensive, LK softie

Triggers: rats, bees ("buzz"), danger

CC: Shion, Dogkeeper

DC: Dogkeeper

Notes: I will be super attached to Shion

jan 14 2018 ∞
jan 28 2018 +