Proko [The anatomy palace]

SBS Learn ( A classroom resource place, you can learn alot with art here lol)

Lemenaid (School? Has some exercises, videos, classes??? Check it out it seems great)

Moderndayjames (LOADS of tutorials, anatomy, characters, great fundamentals)

Bobby Chui [An awesome artist and gives great philosophy on art/industry advice]

Marco Bucci [Amazing painter; gives amazign painting advice]

Brooke Eggleston [Character creation advice]

SinixDesigns [Digital Painting advice, great anatomy reference]


Ahmed Aldoo

Laovaan [Watercolor pro, wonderful artist]

Alphonso Dunn ( Some pretty useful anatomy videos and traditional artvids)

HappyDArtist [An expert oil painter, facts about art philosophy and life]

DrawingWiffWaffles [One of my favorite Artist personalities, enjoyable and productive to watch bc she gives random art tips. Super motivational]

Juicy Ink ( Skilled at the ink, love her style, amazing artist. Does vlogs and awesome videos on watercolor reviews, art tips, etc)

Sara Tepes (Lovelovelove her work, super skillful at the pencil and everything)

JelArts [Awesome artist, some useful videos)

Rambutan Illustration ( Nice smol art tips and entertaining vids)

jul 31 2018 ∞
apr 11 2019 +