• Mozart wrote a song called "Lick me in the ass"
  • If a man is on a flat platform with 200 fire extinguishers under it, and the fire extinguishers all go off at the same time, he will float approximately 2cm. proof, but it's in Japanese
  • About 2 people are killed by vending machines every year.
  • Bangkok's full ceremonial name is the longest city name in the world. it's ridiculously long
  • Hans Christian Andersen, who wrote famous fairytales such as "The Emperor's New Clothes" and "The Little Mermaid", always slept with a note reading "I am not dead".
  • In Susami, Wakayama, Japan, there is a post-box located underwater. And you can actually send mail from it.
  • There is an official soccer game that ended in a score of 149-0. The 149 was entirely from own-goals.
  • In English, "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is technically a grammatically correct sentence.
  • Ants can fall from ridiculously high heights and still survive. Seriously. This is because they reach terminal velocity after falling only 10 cm.
  • The Japanese warabeuta (nursery rhyme) "Teru Teru Bozu" ends with the "Teru Teru Bozu" getting decapitated.
  • If you drink the right amount of soda from a soda can, you can balance the can on a 45 degree angle.
  • The Japan Self-Defense Force operates mobile kitchens called Yagai Suigu.
  • If you dial "3212333 222399 3212333 22321" on a phone, it sounds like "Mary Had a Little Lamb".
jan 18 2018 ∞
jan 23 2018 +