Over the past few months I have been deteriorating unbeknownst to myself. Nothing as life threatening as Caner or Leukemia, more or less I've blind-sided my health from self-destruction; thinking constantly of my weight problems and not doing anything about it. So, as of yesterday, I have begun a program to strengthen my muscles, add oxygen to my blood and lose the fatty capsules around and through my blood stream.
My goal weight is 125 - 130 lbs. by my birthday (February 25). I have planned a schedule to obtain that goal within the designated time frame. I will be keeping track of my CI (Calorie Intake) and DE (daily exercise) . I must take in no more than 1,200 cal/day or < 600 cal/day. Added with that is a hour of daily exercise, where I am to keep my Heart Rate above 100 beats/min.