LaFrancesina's listography
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breaking bad 1
breaking bad 2
breaking bad 3
breaking bad 4
breaking bad 5
chiamatemi anna 1
chiamatemi anna 2
chiamatemi anna 3
dark 1
dark 2
Glee tutte e 6 le stagioni
god friended me 1
god friended me 2 (deve ancora uscire)
gossip girl 1
gossip girl 2
gossip girl 3
gossip girl 4
gossip girl 5
gossip girl 6
i'm not okay with this (deve ancora uscire)
i'm not okay with this 1
insatiable 1
insatiable 2
insatiable 3 (deve ancora uscire)
jane the virgin 1
jane the virgin 2
jane the virgin 3
jane the virgin 4
jane the virgin 5
jane the virgin 6 8deve ancora uscire)
Kebab for breakfst
la casa di carta 1
la casa di carta 2
la casa di carta 3
la casa di carta 4
La vita segreta di una teenager americana tutte e 5 le stagioni
legacies 1
legacies 2 (deve ancora uscire)
locke & key (deve ancora uscire)
locke & key 1
nana 1
nana 2 (deve ancora uscire)
october faction 1
orange is the new black 1
orange is the new black 2
orange is the new black 3
orange is the new black 4
orange is the new black 5
orange is the new black 6
orange is the new black 7
peaky blinders 1
peaky blinders 2
peaky blinders 3
peaky blinders 4
peaky blinders 5
peaky blinders 6
Phil dal futuro
pretty little liers 1
pretty little liers 2
pretty little liers 3
pretty little liers 4
pretty little liers 5
pretty little liers 6
pretty little liers 7
riverdale 1
riverdale 2
riverdale 3
riverdale 4 (deve ancora uscire)
sabrina 1
sabrina 2
sabrina 3
sabrina 4 (deve ancora uscire e non so se esisterĂ )
Sex and the city 1
Sex and the city 2
Sex and the city 3
Sex and the city 4
Sex and the city 5
Sex and the city 6
sex education 1
sex education 2
sex education 3 (deve ancora uscire)
sherlok 1
sherlok 2
sherlok 3
sherlok 4
sherlok 5 (deve ancora uscire e non so se esisterĂ )
stranger things 1
stranger things 2
stranger things 3
stranger things 4 (deve ancora uscire)
TBBT tutte e 12 le stagioni
teen wolf 1
teen wolf 2
teen wolf 3
teen wolf 4
teen wolf 5
teen wolf 6
the umbrella academy 1
the vampire diaries 1
the vampire diaries 2
the vampire diaries 3
the vampire diaries 4
the vampire diaries 5
the vampire diaries 6
the vampire diaries 7
the vampire diaries 8
toradora 1
tredici 1
tredici 2
tredici 3
you 1
you 2
you 3 (deve ancora uscire)
young sheldon 1
young sheldon 2
young sheldon 3
sep 20 2010 ∞
apr 12 2020 +