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~ My little online diary. Keeping track of random things that I'll look back on in the future! ^__^

Because, y'know, my memory is beginning to fail on me.

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I was introduced to KPop in 7th grade (2007/2008) by my friends. And... yeah, this is how I've progressed as a listener. Heh. These are the groups I have fallen/fell in love with for a certain period of time!

  • SS501
    • My friends were looking at a picture one day and I joined 'em. I didn't know who they were... LOL. /clueless They told me they're SS501 so I decided to YouTube them! My first song that popped up was Fighter. c: I sorta consider myself a former Triple S. If you ask me, I was quite obsessed with them as a newbie KPop fan.
      • INITIAL BIAS: Park Jungmin (My friend and I sorta "fought" over Jungmin. Looking back... Omg, that was so stupid!)
      • CURRENT BIAS: Kim Hyungjoon ♡
  • FT Island
    • I totally forgot how I discovered 'em. It was during late 7th/early 8th grade though, pretty sure. I really liked Hongki's voice in their earlier songs. And loved how they were an actual band. I guess I still had the American boy band influence on me! Hm, I recall my friend once telling me, "Once you discover another group, you'll forget about them (FT Island)." /cough She was right... But in all honesty, I love their earlier songs more than their recent ones. Sadly, I don't consider myself a former Primadonna. :c
      • INITIAL BIAS: Lee Jaejin (◕ ‿ ◕)
      • CURRENT BIAS: Lee Jaejin~! ♡
  • SHINee
    • I saw them debut! I really, really liked Replay. It was totally my style. And the members were so fresh and young and cute, my goodness. But then it went on and off. :( I didn't really like Love Like Oxygen. I adore Amigo. Juliette was okay. I liked RDD and JoJo. Etc... Yeah, I hope y'all get the point. (And Sherlock still needs to grow on me a bit, btw.) And after I got into Super Junior, being a Shawol was basically history, lol. ;_; I still adore SHINee though. c:
      • INITIAL BIAS: This is confusing. It was either Minho or Jonghyun. Or both... LOL.
  • Shinhwa
    • OH, MY LOVELY SHINHWA OPPAS. I used to (and still sorta do) watch Korean variety shows, such as Star Golden Bell. Shinhwa members usually appeared as guests, so I guess that's how I got to know them. For sure, Dongwan oppa guested on one episode and danced the oh-so awesome chair dance for Wild Eyes. So I think that was my first official Shinhwa song! Hm, and as I began to watch WGM, Andy made me become an official fan. c: I got to learn about him and the members and just got sorta obsessed for a period of time. But then that was sorta bad timing since it was their last album before they had military duty to serve... Although the fresher, newer idol groups had taken their spot for a while... I LONGED FOR THEIR COMEBACK AND WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED IN ANY WAY. ♡ Eek, I'm so proud of oppas. Even though I haven't been with them for all 14 years, they are truly admirable namjas. ^^v SHCJ!
      • INITIAL BIAS: HMM, I recall telling my friend in 8th grade that my favorite was Jung Pilkyo/Shin Hyesung!
      • CURRENT BIAS: ...But now it's Kim Dongwan. c:
  • Super Junior
    • DECEMBER '08. It was during that month (or around there). I adored WGM (the 1st season) and discovered a guy named Kangin. I think he was my initial SuJu love/bias. XD I loved watching him! And I watched the episode where he sang Cooking? Cooking! in front of Yoonji and she didn't know the song. I decided to look it up (thanks YouTube!) and I began to like it more over time~ So basically, Kangin has a place in my heart because if it wasn't for him, I might not have gotten into SuJu. I looked up the rest of their songs because I began to adore them! Kibum was my first actual bias; I fell in love with him when watching Full House~ BUT... My love faded and I discovered Donghae. And I've been in love with him ever since (a 3 year relationship, if you wanna call it that). And I got into the fandom just in time for their comeback, Sorry, Sorry. ♡ I consider SuJu as the first KPop group I truly got into. I'm a proud ELF. For eternity. ^v^
      • INITIAL BIAS(ES): Kim Youngwoon (Kangin) ► Kim Kibum.
      • CURRENT BIAS: Lee Donghae ♡
  • INFINITE (I swear, they are the Bias Wrecker Group...)
    • July 23rd, 2011. The day I officially stumbled upon this group. I'm pretty sure I had heard of them before but not like... listened to their songs on repeat. (I REGRET THAT!) I fell in love with them. At first, I thought Be Mine was a bit edgy for my usual taste... But I listened to it over and over and over... Oh man, I fell in love. I listened to their previous singles and fell deeper, LOL. I can't express my love for this group in words. I love everything about them. EVERYTHING. Their music, their personalities, their flaws, their synchronization, their teamwork. Everything. Eventually, they knocked SuJu out of the first place pedestal. And Myungsoo (aka L, but I don't like calling him that), he knocked Donghae out of the first place pedestal for my top bias. The impossible became possible. B| + These days, I think I'm an Inspirit first and foremost. Doesn't mean I love SuJu any less though. c: All in all, I shall forever be an Inspirit, no matter what happens!
      • INITIAL BIAS: Kim Myungsoo! (≧ヮ≦)
      • CURRENT BIAS: Kim Myungsoo~ ♡
    • I recall watching music shows during the Be Mine era and I always saw this girl group perform, thought their song was really catchy. Their name didn't strike me right away so I knew they weren't a really popular group. But! I decided to stick with them and their future songs drew me in even more. Turns out Sweetune produced their songs, just like Infinite's! I guess I liked that sound a lot. XD
      • INITIAL BIAS: Ryu Sera
      • CURRENT BIAS: Sera left, /sigh... Kyungri's now my #1!
  • EXO
    • Okay, I guess you can say I like SM artists. So when the first teaser came out, I was pretty intrigued by Kai. However, as I heard "Teaser #XX released"... I began to lose interest. So it wasn't until after their debut that I gave them a try (and watched all of the teasers in one sitting). MAMA didn't impress me at first. I think it was because I had a headache that day so Kai's screaming part, etc. made it worse. However, I came to love History and its dance~ c: And I really liked some of the songs in the teasers too, such as Baby Don't Cry and My Lady. BUT THEY ARE NOT IN THE FREAKIN' MINI ALBUM SO THAT PISSED ME OFF A BIT. (Darn SM...) But yeah... basically, after 3~4 days of learning about them, I had a bad urge to go buy either M or K's (In the end, I went with M because I love CPop!). I was a bit scared to regret the purchase, but I didn't. : ) EXO hasn't gotten into my top, TOP favorite groups yet... But they might over time!
      • INITIAL BIAS: Overall, Luhan. He's such a cutie, haha. (◕ ‿ ◕)
      • CURRENT BIAS: Do Kyungsoo! I love his voice. ;u; ♡
  • ZE:A
    • I was probably watching KPop shows again because Infinite was promoting and that's how I discovered ZE:A! I thought Aftermath was really good and looked into their full length album. #noregrets I became a fan just from that. I lagged on purchasing Spectacular, but recently did (Jan 2015) and that was all because of a person named Im Siwan. I didn't pay attention to him that much in the beginning (or at all...) but he got my attention through Misaeng as an actor and idk how but he basically became my latest bias wrecker. #liferuiner
      • INITIAL BIAS: Jung Heechul!
  • VIXX
    • I became a fan from On and On, seeing them promote on music shows! Then I backtracked to their debut and previous songs and yeah, that was how I got hooked (for most groups, too) XD.
      • INITIAL BIAS: I think Lee Hongbin, heh.
      • CURRENT BIAS: I LIKE 'EM ALL butKenthemost. ;3
dec 30 2011 ∞
mar 26 2015 +