I think I'm a loner (I say to myself) If it were a question for outsiders, Or rather insiders, I know they'd complain that I am indeed. But I take no heed. For I have many a complaint about them. And the things they do to my world. And what they expect of me.

They judge my philosophies but love my loyalties and my morals and my unwavering support for causes they too believe in But somehow my achievements are worthless against the expectations of these masked, dancing bears

Who are they to judge me relative to their lives and circumstances and 'ethics' When my lifestyle betters my well-being and has little effect on theirs. And theirs has great, Or rather, Disastrous effects on OUR world, OUR environment, OUR humanity OUR evolution.

Who are they to judge. Who are they? I know myself And so where I fit in, Or rather, Belong.

oct 15 2012 ∞
oct 15 2012 +