• watch this (claps twice while shushing the class) I own the shush-clap
  • you can't hear the world laughing at you if you're laughing harder
  • for the love of my life: cham pag ne
  • Tell him to make his mouth a little more poutier. Wha? U can see through the blindfold?! No.... I'm just a little bit psychic
  • captain emo has been following me around and vomiting "I love yous" all over me all day
  • kissing is for shavers
  • You must have been like "help I'm trapped in a cliché"
  • the elliptical has been my bitch lately (shows off legs)
  • Laurie is so up in my grill that I had to pretend to go to work just to get away from her
  • Surprise friend attack!
  • You should get matching tattoos like these! If I get drunk later I'm totally making this real! Thanx, but I think I'll save that idea for when I'm in prison with another dude.
  • Laurie: Prince Charles! That's what I'm gonna say now when I wanna throw up
  • "Its called being nice, ever heard of it?" "Niiice? Oh u you made that up?!"
jul 20 2012 ∞
sep 22 2012 +