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This will be more-or-less simply for my convenience. It'll be boring to read.

Main is for lists in use.
Ongoing is for things that would be not archived over time.
Archives are archives.

listography TERMS

McTaggart's argument:

  • (1) Events are located in a B-series, only if time exists;
    • True because yes.
  • (2) Time exists, only if there is genuine change;
    • True because genuine change is all-pervasive.
  • (3) there is genuine change in the world, only if events are located in a real A-series;
    • True because tautological definition.
  • (i) therefore events are located in a B-series only if they are located in an A series;
    • True because Hypothetical syllogism.
  • (4) if events are located in a real A-series, then each event acquires the absolute properties past, present, and future;
    • True because that's what an A-series is.
  • (5) there is a contradiction in supposing that any event has any two of these absolute properties;
    • True because of relativity.
  • (ii) therefore a real A-series cannot exist, and events are not ordered in a B-series.
    • True because indirect proof, HS.

Horwich's argument:

  • (1), (3)-(5) are fine as well as both conclusions.
  • Tree-model defeats the contradiction of genuine change.
  • No need for a moving now.

My argument:

  • There is an alternative sense of change applicable to the tree-model.
  • Other premises hold true when translated (except (4)).
  • New contradiction based on newtonian mechanics and general relavitiy.
    • Moving present would have equal opposite.
    • Moving present was either created in motion or was put in motion.
      • Cannot experience force because of masslessness of time.
        • If a frame of reference had mass of universe, inconsistant masses over time because of energy conversion.
          • LEss mass = more V (momentum conservation).
          • Velocity of present = time experience of objects within.
          • More time = less speed
          • Universe is slowing down? Contradicts evidence of universe accelerating.
        • Cannot have been put in motion post-creation.
      • If it was created in motion, then opposite hits it's own creation immediately.
        • Branching future, no branching past.
        • Does not fit Horwich's model. Fits normal model of moving-time within tree.
mar 9 2011 ∞
mar 11 2011 +