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This will be more-or-less simply for my convenience. It'll be boring to read.

Main is for lists in use.
Ongoing is for things that would be not archived over time.
Archives are archives.

listography TERMS

Missing as of 2014 Summer for Anth:

  • [30] Any
  • [30] Upper Level
  • [9] Electives in any discipline
  • [3] Anth300
  • [3] Anth400
  • [3] Archaeology Credit
  • [3] Museum Credit
  • [6] Upper level Anth not other credits
  • Language Requirement

Basic Stuff:

  • Anth300, 400, Archaeology, Museum
  • Left:
    • [18] Any
    • [18] Upper Level
    • [9] Electives in any
    • [6] Upper level Anth
    • Language

The plan:

  • Basics
  • 2 Upper Level Anths
    • [6] Any
    • [6] Upper Level
    • [6] Upper Level Anth
  • 3 Upper Level Electives in Anything
    • [9] Any
    • [9] Upper Level
    • [9] Electives in anything
  • 1 more upper level anything
    • [3] Any
    • [3] Upper Level


  • 10 classes total + Language
    • 2014-2015: 3 + 3 + ASL1
    • 2015-2016: 2 + 2 + ASL2


  • Anth300
  • Anth400
  • Archaeology: 305, 318-326, 410, 411, 420, 424, 425
    • 322: East and SE Asia
    • 425: Nutritional Archaeology
    • MIA: 24
    • 321: Canadian Far West in Prehistory
    • 420: Arch of BC
  • Museum: 331, 341, 378, 431, 432, 478
    • 331: Art, aesthetics, culture
    • 378: Anth of media
  • Anth Upper Level
    • 312: Intro to Anth of Gender
    • 315: Japanese Culture and Society
    • 317: Linguistic Anth
    • 333: Language and Power
  • Anth Upper Level
    • 412: Advanced Gender
    • 428: Medicine, Society, Culture
    • 433: Directed Studies

  • Upper Level Elective
    • Phil:
    • 320: Symbolic Logic 2 (pre-req: 220, SL1, similar to Langara)
    • 335: Power and Oppression
  • Upper Level Elective
    • Soci: SOCI 100 pre-req for all, but ask prof
    • 302A: Ethnic and Racial Inequality
    • 310A: Canadian Society
    • 312A: Gender Relations
    • 361A: Social Inequality
  • Upper Level Elective
    • CSIS 300/450: Critical Studies in Sexuality
  • Upper Level Elective
    • GRSJ:
    • 300: Intersectional Approaches to Gender Relations
    • 310: Issues in Gender and Health (pre-req: 101, 102)
  • Ideal: Anth300, Anth400, Anth321, Anth378, Anth312, Anth412, Anth428, Phil 335, Grsj300, +other
may 11 2014 ∞
sep 9 2017 +