Here's to the five out of the many things that I love about you.

  • You're committed. You always put your all into the things you're doing. And you may not think so but you try your best at all times though sometimes what you have to do, may not be the easiest.
  • You never fail to make me feel appreciated, for being myself and for all the things that I do. This may sound exaggerated but I'm not lying when I said no one has ever given me the similar feeling or even ones close to the ones you did. You genuinely made me feel like I'm doing a great job and that it's not mere sayings.
  • I love you for all the countless days and nights that you sacrificed rest for, to be with me. Though at times, I still wish you would grant yourself some sleep as your holiday's coming to an end soon, I'm still grateful for all those times that you stayed up late and when you woke up earlier for me.
  • The advices that I've received from you, are not always the sweetest. It hits sometimes. But despite that. I love how you don't sugarcoat your opinion, how you're always real with it even to me. I'm utterly grateful for this part of you.
  • I love you for all the things that made you up, along with the flaws and imperfections.
jul 26 2019 ∞
jul 26 2019 +