Hello there, love. I didn't get to make you anything fancy last month so here I am, trying my best to be an aesthetic with this gift. Anyway, without any other hints from me, I'm certain you've figured out why I made this for you.

Today marks two months of us being together and 60 solid days with me may not have been the easiest. All these while, and for each day that passed by, I learned a new kind of flaw that I possess. And sometimes I wish you don’t have to be stuck with me. I love you a lot and thats why it hurts each time I have to put my weight on you. ( But losing you may be too excruciating to bear and at the end of the day, all I wish for is for you to stay. And you did. Oh lord, you actually stayed for so long. )

I rely on you so much, you helped me through each and every one of my clouded thoughts filled with nothing but negativity and you’ve always been there, despite all circumstances, you’re always there. Not only that, you never failed to make me feel happy and blessed and God, what other feelings have you made me feel. All these, really made me realize how lucky I am to have met you; to have been given this chance to love you and to have you love me back. ( And I promise you, through every other day where I have to work a 3-6 hours of work shift and finish up my homework after, and through days where you're too beat up to tell me how your day went, I'll love you through all of it. And despite the lack of time granted for us, I’ll still be the luckiest to have you as mine. )

Now before I finish and wrap things up, I’d like to apologize for a few things. For all the times I'm not able to bring you comfort when you come to me for one and for all the times where you want to give me whats best but I go against, I'm sorry for I ever put you through that. I'm sorry I don't catch on things easily when you want me to and I'm sorry I'm never able to give you a hand when you're in on any issue. Sok banget tiap kali kamu ada masalah pasti suruh cerita padahal aku nya goblok gini gabisa kasih saran, gabisa kasih apa, yang ada malah bikin kesel. Maaf ya, pacar kamu gini banget kadang.

Just like how you said you would, I’ll thrive to be a better person as well. For you and for others. I’ll be a better place for you to come back to and a shoulder to rely on. I’ll try to comprehend each and every words from you faster. I’ll give my best shot to playing pool, golf, monopoly and all the other plato games better so we can have more game nights. And lastly but surely, this one’s top priority, I’ll make you happier than I ever did months before. So, don’t get tired of me, yeah?

I can’t write anymore, you know how much my brain could work. Before I end this completely, I’d just like to say, happy second month to us, Kai. I love you to all the constellations in the sky.

jul 26 2019 ∞
jul 31 2019 +