I've got quite a few interests, so maybe it would be helpful to have them listed here for the curious. Feel free to engage with me on them!

  • Shin Megami Tensei series (SMT:IV, SMT:IVA, Nocturne, and Strange Journey are particular favorites though!)
  • Persona series (I really like Persona 5!!)
  • Kirby (Although it's more of a passing interest at this point. I don't really get involved with the characters or the material or anything, although I used to!)
  • Pokemon (My unpopular opinion is that X and Y were quite enjoyable, and also that Hoenn is overrated)
  • Touhou (Also something of a passing interest, though I really enjoy the music for it!!)
  • Fate series (Relatively recent interest... I'm not very interested in playing the VNs, but I greatly enjoy playing Fate/Grand Order)
  • Mythology (Grecoroman and Norse being my favorites!)
  • Mario (Also more of a passing interest. I enjoy the games!)
  • Zelda (I adore the series and the lore!)
  • I love to draw! I don't post my art often, but I do try!
nov 26 2017 ∞
nov 26 2017 +