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Name's Lucille! You might also know me as Azura Riannon in Final Fantasy XIV. I'm known on Twitter as @LucilleGuignol and you probably found this page via that.

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† There’s more to be done than simply fighting the foes laid before us. †

My general purpose on Twitter is to use it as a means of communicating with people I consider friends. I may seem a bit distant at first, but it's mainly because I have a hard time opening up to people. I've been that way for my entire life, so one might have to poke me a bit to try and get into a conversation. I apologise in advance for it!

Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them (Nonbinary, but it's more because I don't believe in the concept of gender.)

Age: 26

Sexuality: Lesbian

Nationality: Swedish

Additional contact info I have isn't really given out freely and is pretty sparse. I do use Discord however, and occasionally Steam.

oct 31 2018 ∞
may 26 2024 +
  • Singing (I don't consider myself good at it though)
  • Creative writing
  • Reading about urban legends and unsolved murder mysteries
  • Cooking/baking
  • Watching horror movies

I also have a minor interest in trying to psychologically dismantle the minds of horror movie antagonists! It's surprisingly entertaining.

oct 31 2018 ∞
aug 20 2021 +
  • Fire Emblem (most of the games except Fates, Warriors and Heroes)
  • Final Fantasy (except XV and XIII)
  • BanG Dream! (Except AASide which I fucking hate.)
  • D4DJ
  • The Yoko Taro-verse (Mostly Nier and SINoALICE atm, but I do love myself some Drakengard.)
  • Vtubers (Primarily Hololive atm, but I also like PRISM Project.)
  • Mythology/urban legends
  • Japanese culture in general (Especially visual kei/Jrock)
  • Soulsborne (Mostly Bloodborne with some very rare Dark Souls)
  • Monster Hunter
oct 31 2018 ∞
aug 20 2021 +
  • Autistic. Symptoms I have include hyperfixations, several special interests and a general aversion to social interaction irl.
  • Undiagnosed, but I have depression and some kind of anxiety disorder which I take meds for daily.
  • Former victim of bullying, primarily of the emotional kind.
  • I also have severe PTSD, which I'd rather not get into why.

I usually don't need trigger warnings, so don't worry about that. Instead, just take into consideration that I will wind up at some points talking about my past traumas if my mood is low enough.

mar 4 2021 ∞
may 26 2024 +
  • Support pedophilia/pedophiles. (Alternatively, if you are one.)
  • Are a TERF.
  • Are homophobic, racist, transphobic, ableist or all of the above.
  • Actively take part in cancelling people online.
  • Actively defend abusers of any kind.
  • Support NFTs or anything else that's crypto-related.
  • Support AI art.
  • Support content creators like Asmongold, Zepla, Xenosys Vex and Arthars.

I'm pretty chill, but I'm also infamously prickly.

oct 31 2018 ∞
sep 20 2024 +

I usually almost never talk about politics and usually stay far away from it as all it has done to me is make me more distrusting and angry at the world as we know it. There are a few occasions, such as getting frustrated at how some people sympathize with organizations/political parties with roots in neo-nazist culture, or if something is being presented as worse than what it actually is. If this is something that upsets you, tell me and I'll make sure to try and use muted terms.

While my usual stance on talking about controversial topics could be referred to as "Mention it once, then don't talk about it ever again", there have been times where my patience boils over and my anger takes over. I apologize for that.

oct 31 2018 ∞
feb 16 2023 +