Name: Raksha.

Canon: It doesn't matter.

Age: Ancient.

Species: Spirit of destruction, shapeshifting demon.

Appearance: A shadowy or smoky figure; a tall humanoid with tan skin, long black hair, and deep red eyes with black sclera; a large black cat with red eyes.

Faceclaim: Arjun Rampal.

Gender: Human gender is meaningless, but male presenting. He/him pronouns.

Sexuality: Acespec, not quite monogamous. Taken.

System Duties: "Protector" of sorts. The system's first fictive.

Personality: Distant, aloof, cynical, agreeable when approached correctly, dry sense of humor, exasperated with humanity, matter of fact, flatterer, admittedly manipulative as needed for survival, calm, strong-willed.

Song: Once Upon A Dream, Lana Del Rey cover.

Likes: Silence, quietly spending time with my partner, reading, stargazing, watching videos of natural disasters, fruit, meat, fermented foods, crossword puzzles, music.

Dislikes: Vegans.

Info: Originally a god of destruction-- a necessary part of nature-- I was cast out. In time, I came here; it was 1990, the body was two, and I was needed. I have been here ever since.

dec 17 2019 ∞
dec 17 2019 +