Name: Smith. (Canonically, Johann Schmidt.)

Canon: MCU's Captain America: TFW. (Extremely noncanon.)

Age: About mid 30s in appearance, but well over 90 chronologically.

Species: Mutate. (Due to soldier serum.)

Appearance: Tall, pale white with faded red Lichtenberg figures (lightning burns) across his entire body and face, black hair, teal eyes.

Faceclaim: We use Rob James-Collier for simplicity's sake.

Gender: Agender, presents as male. He/him or they/them pronouns.

Sexuality: Queer, polyamorous. Taken.

System Duties: Admin. Team dad. Budgeting and finances. Protection from bio family.

Personality: Focused, amiable, sarcastic, protective, stubborn, honest, distant, vaguely optimistic, ambitious, can be petty, ruthless, logical, caring to friends/family.

Song: Wretches and Kings, Linkin Park.

Likes: Equity, social justice, science, astrology, the occult, spring, forests, reptiles, make up/fashion, cars, being a father, political debates, space, heckling bigots.

Dislikes: Alt right, anti lgbtq+, small spaces, planes flying too low, restrictive clothing, people chewing with their mouth open, body shaming, most meat, antivaxxers, flat earth conspiracists, anti science bullshit, militant atheism, religious extremism, people assuming things about me.

Info: ///// CW, mentions of Naziism. /////

My mother died in childbirth, and my father died not long after. I took to the streets, before being "raised" in an orphanage. I discovered Hydra (for us, a religious sect and non-political). I joined it, and set out on a mission to try and save the world. It went a bit sideways, unfortunately. The serum was an experiment I went through unwillingly; it left my face intact, but caused lightning-shaped burns across my entire body instead.

Unlike canon, my goal was to destroy the Nazis from the inside. I had no interest in being one of them or supporting their ideology. I had one bomb, intended for their leader. I almost succeeded, except some well meaning lunkhead got in the way. Chaos ensued, and I was teleported elsewhere. I returned just after the point where Captain America was woken up by Shield. Quite a lot happened, after. I did side with Captain America in the fight that followed (which took place instead of the "Civil War" timeline). Again, things went badly.

I ended up here in 2014, and started a family.

Again, please note I am noncanon, and absolutely do not support any type of violence towards, hatred of, or oppression of minority groups. Rumors were started in the tumblr community because of me, so I'm sorry for stressing this issue, but the rumors are utter bullshit and I'm sick of staying quiet about it. I deeply hate the alt right/white supremacists/neo nazi movements and their ideology. I'm happy to explain or clarify as needed, but I do not tolerate Naziism in any form, and I support antifascist movements. That's all there is to it.

dec 17 2019 ∞
dec 17 2019 +