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Hi I'm Maggie.

'Hold your own, know your name, and go your own way'
- "Details in the Fabric", Jason Mraz

'Words of reassurance but only if they're true;
Just some simple kindness, no vengeance from the gods.
This is all I ever wanted from life.'
- "Lifening", Snow Patrol

  • Mom- thank you for putting up with me and being patient. I know we pissed the hell out of each other a lot of times, but thank you for not giving up on me despite your nature. I know I don't say it enough, but I am eternally indebted to you for raising me in such a way that I can face fears, and be strong when its so hard to be.
  • Veronica- for being weird with me and at some times, being the one person I can trust completely, listening to me rant about random stuff
  • Maggie Z- for dealing with me and my pain the ass attitude. I know how hard it must be to still be my friend sometimes, but you still put up with me and keep giving me countless chances and favors
  • Rachel- for being the sweetest person ever; thank you for having such a good heart and being so kind.
  • Trishia- thank you for being so understanding, why do I feel like I can relate to you so much? Thank you for our talks, they mean more to me than you would ever imagine
  • Karen- for everything you've done for me, and with me, these memories mean so much. Thank you for what you've taught me, because you have taught me so much; and you may never even know that.

Honestly I can get really pissed off or annoyed at the little things, but I always remember that these things matter, and having amazing people in my life will always be my biggest wish for the future.

apr 4 2012 ∞
apr 4 2012 +