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I just want to wander off and be happy. At this time, I am going through a life renaissance thing where I revisit my whole life sequentially. All this list making is sort of like cartography for my life. I realise I know so little about the world now and the future looks like I'm going to know even less. I think I am at least two people; the person who is so responsible, loyal, reasonable and prot...

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  • A Pink GUESS watch that Anthony bought me for my 20th birthday.
  • Birthday Wine glass filled with hershey's kisses and reeses cups in pink and gold that Valine got me when she picked me up at the airport.
  • Care package that mom sent to San Francisco for my birthday with a pretty bag and lots of bollywood movie DVDs.
  • Ritu Kumar tops that Chiraayu gave me in addition to throwing me an awesome 17th birthday party at his house.
    • At that same party, Prateeksha got me this huge poster she designed using awesome pictures from Ambani and assembling birthday wishes she had everyone write me.
    • Anthony got me an apple which was the only edible present I've ever gotten on my birthday, except chocolates. It was very memorable nonetheless.
  • Butter cream frosted cake that Parmeet and Eddy got me for my 16th birthday surprise at Parmeet's apartment in Worli. And Eddy also gave me this perfume and I can't for the life of it remember the brand :S Will update when I recollect. ESCADA!
  • A huge bar of Swiss chocolate that Keshav gave me for my 15th Birthday.
feb 5 2010 ∞
feb 5 2010 +