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I just want to wander off and be happy. At this time, I am going through a life renaissance thing where I revisit my whole life sequentially. All this list making is sort of like cartography for my life. I realise I know so little about the world now and the future looks like I'm going to know even less. I think I am at least two people; the person who is so responsible, loyal, reasonable and prot...

  • Living away from your child. It must be so hard for my mom to live away from her daughter for almost 5 years now.
  • Getting your children to eat nutritious food.
  • Making sure they aren't being bullied in school.
  • Teaching kids that stealing is the worst of all crimes and punishing them severly when they find stolen goods in their kids' bags after they return from school. A classmate of mine from 3rd grade used to steal my dinosaur staedtler pencils all the time. I must have lost at least 20 of them and reprimanded by my mother before I realised she had been stealing them from me all this while. It was quite sad and I still remember her name was Rupanjali and I can never so much as look in her direction without being disgusted now.
  • Giving them everything they want without spoiling them.
  • Putting up with tantrums.
  • Forgiving them when they puke on your clothes/bedsheets. I did that all the time and I have no idea how mom put up with such behaviour.
  • Protecting children from the threat of being molested by domestic helpers, drivers, gardeners, neighbours etc. This is sort of specific to parents in India but it comes with a complex problem - how do you find out if something of the sort is happening to your child and to what extent can you really protect your child?
  • Bringing out the best qualities in your child to make sure you can nurture every trace of talent he/she may possess.
  • Answering their silly, irritating and amusing questions in the sincerest way possible. The average 4 year old asks 400 questions a day!
dec 9 2009 ∞
dec 9 2009 +