• The victoria secret model's workouts, healthy eating and body tips.

ou know what I love about the Victoria secret models, they’re healthy. They don’t look underweight or overweight, they’re fit, and you can see their hard work by their defined muscles, especially their legs. I think they’re a good example of healthy eating and a tight and lean fitness regime, especially Miranda Kerr. The other day I came across some information on Justin Gel­band, fit­ness trainer to Victoria’s Secret and many other fit and healthy super­mod­els. Gelband is obsessed with making sure the Victoria secret models eat healthy as well as keeping mighty fit by doing exercises that shed excess fat and tone at the same time! I researched a number of sites and sources before putting this info together for you all, I thought it was motivational so I thought I’d share with you about Justin’s health and fitness training for the Victoria secret models.

  • Exercise: Justin trains the models and other clients 3-4 times a week, usually this involves a 45-75 minute session each time. He says “The key is to always do a full-body work­out incorporate your legs, core, arms, everything! This encour­ages excess fat loss and strength­ens every muscle.” Justin incor­po­rates dif­fer­ent rou­tines and exer­cises for each of the models and their needs and personal set goals. Using a com­bi­na­tion of body­weight exer­cises which include: Skipping rope, Resistance bands, Stability ball, medicine ball and various forms of boxing, never using weights over 5 pounds.
  • Workout:

Warm ups usually include; 5-10 minutes of running, generally 2.5km, walk, rest, and run back another 2.5km. He then moves onto a circuit which includes:

  • 10 sit-ups, 15 pushups – Allowing to be done on knees if needed.
  • Skipping rope for at least 1 minutes and then resting for half a minute.
  • Again skipping rope but now for 45 seconds, then resting for 15.
  • Circuit:
  • – 15 push ups (do them on the knees if you have to)
  • – Jump rope for 1 min, rest for 30 secs
  • – Jump rope for 45 secs, then rest for 15 secs
  • – Incor­po­rate a few yoga moves or flows

I looked into some of their yoga moves and found that the ‘Hattha Surya sequence’ is a good one for begginers.

  • – Now start again from the top with the push-ups. Do the cir­cuit 5 times.
  • Justin spends a lot of time finding exercise routines that focus on the models toned legs, here is a workout he’s explained:
  • Firstly do the warm-up in the previous workout solution, then do exten­sions ( do 3 sets of 20 reps)
  • – Second is Leg presses (3 sets of 20 reps)
  • – Third he has them do Calf raises (3 sets of 20 reps)
  • – Next, 20 leg kicks either side (use a resis­tance band if possible)
  • – Bal­ance on one foot hold­ing a 4 lb. med­i­cine ball for 30 sec­onds (do this for 3 sets, standing on each leg)
  • Victoria Secrets eating plans
  • Stay clear and away from refined sugar (white sugars, cane sugars etc. processed bad for you sugars!) as it causes insulin spikes, this means it makes it hard for you to lose weight as well as con­tribut­ing to acne break­outs and other inflam­ma­tory skin dis­or­ders. Many people think it’s the fat count in foods that adds the kilograms, but relatively sugar is just as bad, if not worse. The body finds it really difficult to breakdown refined sugars, so it just turns into fat.
  • Avoid salt, as salt can force your body to retain water and leave you looking bloated, besides its overall bad for your health.
  • Justin makes sure that each meal includes a sufficient bal­ance of pro­tein(this can mean beans, seafood and lean meats!), healthy carbs (veg­gies, fruit, these are the natural carbs that your body needs!), and fat, yes you need fat not refined processed fat but good natural fat for your body to work! (This is olive oil, coconut oil; fat also occurs nat­u­rally in meat and seafood).
  • Refined grains, these tend to spike your insulin, which, in short, is bad for your physique and bad for your skin.Grains also con­tain lectins, which cause blood clump­ing of the cells which results in less effi­cient trans­port of nutri­ents and oxy­gen, lead­ing to the horrid feelings of fatigue and skin issues such as break­outs! If you get a crav­ing, go for grains that don’t spike your insulin and lack phytic acid, or eat some fruit, fish or a healthy snack in replacement.
  • I came across a list and chart of what Justin includes in the models eating schedules, so I picked out only a few important factors and have listed them.
  • Note: Each of the models has different eating plans to suit how their own individual bodies work, remember everyone is different and these are just a small few of what they include in their day to day intake. It’s important to listen to your own body and to find foods that suit your own self.
  • Break­fast: Such things as egg whites oat­meal, veg­gies, fruit, organic yogurt. Lean pro­tein and slow-burning, com­plexcarbs.
  • Lunch: You’ll nearly always see a Victoria secret model backstage sipping on a green smoothie. A green smoothie includes water and a range of leafy greens (spinach, lettuce, etc. The darker the veggie the more vitamin it holds, so imagine how much you’d be getting from a green smoothie), a salad (raw, or slightly steamed) topped with chicken or turkey, fish (Such as tuna or salmon), or lean meat. They always eat a good quantity to keep them full as well, they don’t starve.
  • Din­ner: They eat veg­eta­bles (Just like the previous, eat your greans, steamed spinach, cau­li­flower, zuc­chini, broccoli asparagus) with fish, chicken, or turkey, also sweet potato is a big favourite of Miranda Kerrs.
  • Snacks: Low-glycemic fruits like berries, cher­ries, pears, apples, kiwi; A good treat that Jason suggests to the models is having apple with a spoon of peanut but­ter, I personally suggest a nut mix like almonds, peanuts, cashews, You can buy this at Woolworths and other supermarkets it’s one of my favourites. (Make sure it’s salt and sugar-free); hum­mus with cucum­ber slices or celery, or a small por­tion of a left­over meal.
jan 16 2014 ∞
jan 16 2014 +