• Name: Raimond Q. Niculus
  • Nickname: Known formerly as Lewis Carroll
  • Active Status/Role/Function: Ocassional/Intermal Organizer/Voice of Logic
  • Birthday: 1/27
  • Species/Race/Ethnicity: Lapucian (Rabbit Person), Former British Mortal, Heartopian
  • Title: The White Rabbit/Leader of the Alician Order
  • Gender/Sexuality/Romantic Orientations: Cis male, Bisexual (stronger preference for women), Demi-Romantic
  • Pronouns: He/him
  • Appearance: 6ft (not including ears) tall man with white hair, usually tied back in a short ponytail, and fluffy sideburns, blue eyes (irises are royal blue and whites are sky blue), tall white rabbit ears, a pink rabbit nose, one left rabbit hand, one right aged golden robotic hand with a clock in the palm, two white rabbit feet, usually bare. Can switch to a human form, though rarely (20% of the time and usually in private). Very similar in appearance to rabbit form. Caucasian. Scar on left cheek (where Izack kicked him in the face). Looks like Liam Neeson. Tends to wear blue coattails, silver/gold vest, gold pocket watch, and red/maroon pantaloons. Very Victorian.
  • Neurodivergencies (if applicable): PTSD. Still exploring other possibilities: have numeric fixations/obsessions, especially with time and numbers.
  • Speech/Languages: English, Latin, all major dialects of Morterrani, Lapucian ASL (a subtle body language usually communicated by ears and nose)
  • Religion: Staunch Skeptical Atheist. Former Anglican clergy member.
  • Sign: Aquarius
  • Virtue/Vice: Determination/Pride
  • Likes

-Color: All shades of blue, white, silver, gold, darker reds

-Foods: Carrot cake, carrots, apples, strawberries, blueberries, (not a vegetarian, I just enjoy fruits of labor), tea, steamed cauliflower/broccoli, spinach salad, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds

-Animals: rabbits/hares, doves, sparrows, finches, cardinals, some cats

-Hobbies: Calligraphy, Algebra/Numerology, Writing, Listening to music/play violin, Reading, Trying new teas, Organizing

-Music: Apocalyptica, Classical music, Opera, Alan Parson Project, instrumental music, Romanticist music (especially violin)

-Books: Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass, Hunchback of Norte Dame, Les Miserable, Man in the Iron Mask, Count of Monte Christo, Da Vinci Code, Lewis Carroll poetry, Byronic poetry, Frankenstein, William Blake, Milton (Paradise Lost), Thomas Aquinas

-Movies: Cloud Atlas, What Dreams May Come, Inception, Number 23, 7, The Pirates of Penzance, Hunchback of Notre Dame (1950), Alice in Wonderland (1950 Disney, not the Burton Travesty)

-TV/Anime: Count of Monte Cristo Gankutsuo, Gravity Falls, Game of Thrones, some old History Channel specials/documentaries, biographicals, Inside the Actor’s Studio

-Videogames: Portal 1 and 2, Talos Principal, Soul Caliber, Sims, Spider Solitaire, Alice Madness Returns, I usually play chess or board games or card games. I don’t play video games often. I play Soul Caliber for fighting training.

  • Dislikes

-Color: pink, orange, brown

-Foods: celery, craisins, croutons, minestroni soup

-Animals: pigs/boars/razorbacks, flies, bees, flying insects

-Music: country/bluegrass (it’s basically pro-America propaganda), screaming music

-Books: Bible, Chronicles of Narnia, Communist Manifesto, Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights

-Movies: Burton Films, Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, AI, Infinity War

-TV: Fox News, Pawn Stars, Alien biopics, anything anti-intellectual/ridiculous on purpose, Walking Dead

-Videogames: Walking Dead, sports games

  • Inworld Abilities: Lance fighting (lance is in the shape of a calligraphy pen), kickboxing, English bare knuckle boxing (also can punch/block with ears), can manipulate and store electricity/magnetism in metal hand (use as a stun gun), can use watch in hand as a telecommunicator, very fast (supernatural speed), jumps very high
  • Wants/Goals: to write the Dojo’s story down and publish it, to help loved ones, Dojo members, and self become the best version of the self, to live withand love my wife, lovers, and daughters ins safety
  • Relationships: Echo and Alice (daughters), Nyx (wife), Faye Icarus Brutus (poly loves), Chrono (close friend and associate/boss), Izack (old war friend), various lovers in the Dojo
  • Fears: losing family, drowning, mind control, child murder, callous/evil doctors
dec 21 2018 ∞
dec 21 2018 +