• Please don't ever make fun of my typos. It makes me super uncomfortable and i will hate myself for hitting the wrong button for a very long time. I write and post faster than I can read it, so I typo a lot of my tweets. It's ok if i start of make fun of it myself, but don't just go ahead and do it.
  • Please don't call me cute in any way? It's a weird thing to say but it makes me feel terrible? for some reason? I don't know and I can't explain but.. just please don't.
  • If we are close friends i would prefer if you don't softblock me when unfollowing
  • I'm never vagueing anyone that i'm following or follows me. I might be upset with a situation or a thing many people but it has nothing to do with anyone specifically
  • I would appreciate if you didnt ever call me anything feminine EVER or use gender neutral pronouns when you can use masculine!!
jul 17 2016 ∞
sep 2 2016 +