• bi gay aroace
  • polyalterous
  • omnigay

Long descriptions

  • bi - experience of & desire for multi-gender connection and intimacy, defying binaries by allowing the superposition of multiple options. my bisexuality is homo, hetero, pan, and ace.
  • asexual - i fundamentally disagree with the notion that one's genitals and genital conduct should define and affect a person's status in society. i disagree with the idea that sexual activity deserves greater status and importance than any other form of intimacy. i disagree with rape culture so pervasive that sexuality is weaponized. i embrace asexuality as an affirmation of my agency, my ability to be human and not defined by or particularly interested in sexual contact and relationships.
  • aromantic - i have never understood the weight that culture places on the concept of romance, which itself puzzles me greatly ...
  • gay - i knew i was a gay boy when i was in elementary school wishing that a boy would love me and hoping he was gay. i’m in a long term relationship with another man and while we are both bi, i’m happy to be seen as gay or a gay couple.
  • quoiromantic - see aromantic, what even is romance?
  • nebularomantic - see quoigender, but add the confusion and impact of having a brain that does not work the way that you are told brains are supposed to work.
  • quoisexual - i normally don’t experience or even really understand sexual desire and attraction
  • nebulasexual - i find the concept of sexual desire and attraction confusing and inaccessible because of differences in my sociomental processes
  • aceflux / biflux - occasionally i have periods of (bi)sexual desire / attraction
  • autosexual - the most frequent sexual desire and attraction i experience is self-directed, involved in my own body, kink, and fantasy life. when engaging sexually with others, i might use my autosexual drive to motivate myself to interact sexually.
  • recipromantic - though i don’t experience romantic feelings, i am willing to engage romantically with others who have romantic feelings for me.
  • polyalterous - i experience alterous attraction, or attraction that blurs the lines between / challenges the ideas of romantic, platonic, etc. attraction and relationships. i use poly to mean two things: that i experience alterous attraction to multiple genders, and i desire alterous relationships - close, intimate, asexual, queerplatonic, mutually supportive, communicative, nontraditional, unconventional, neurodivergent, political ... relationships -- with multiple people at once.
  • omnigay - my genderfluidity and sexuality/attraction are inextricably intertwined; I often feel my gender changes in such a way that aligns with my current attraction (eg, I feel more like a man when attracted to men, more like a woman when attracted to women; when attracted to nonbinary people, it varies but usually along a nonbinary axis; and when I am not attracted to anyone I feel more agender.)
apr 10 2020 ∞
sep 28 2021 +