Here's just a bullet list and some links on what Fiction = Reality means bc some y'all are just so dense it hurts me and I'm starting to feel sorry for y'all

  • Fiction does not exist in a vacuum. There is literally no analysis you can properly make of fiction that disregards the author's sociopolitical upbringing, the culture for which you view it in, the culture that brought about the concepts within the work, ect. ect. ect.
  • google racial coding
  • If fiction had no influence on reality, marginalized representation in a positive light would be unnecessary, eh?
  • There is literally no ethical consumption of Child P*rn and the fact I have to debate this at all is ridiculous
  • Fictional CP is utilized to groom minors
  • Media is exceptional at shaping world views, reinforcing negative stereotypes at the expense of at-risk minorities most often (Women, Children, Black people, Trans people, ect.)
  • Even if it is not consciously intentional, your production of fictional content can and very often does reinforce your cultures discriminatory beliefs
  • Propaganda is the most notable and easily identifiable piece of fictional media that is influencing us to this very day, the effects of media even if fictional can cause mass hysteria within a community of people, such as Jaws, Top Gun, and Birth of a Nation

I am a film major so much of my focus is only on film, and therefor I can only share references that are from film essayist, but I highly recommend watching Lindsey Ellis' video essays if you have a time, namely My Monster Boyfriend and Bright: The Apotheosis of Lazy World Building for more details on this that do not deal with sexual predators and fiction/reality.

apr 28 2018 ∞
may 7 2018 +